Youth on Subjects of the World Podcast

Youth on Subjects of the World

Peer Unschooling Network
Youth on Subjects of the World features amazing young people who discuss HUGE topics, current world events, important issues such as alternative energy, education, politics, LGBTQ rights, racism, sexism, adultism, and so much more. Every week, they choose one broad topic for each show and talk about the facts, as well as, of course, their own opinions. Youth on Subjects of the World will feature a rotating cast of young people, all who are well-informed on current world events, and who enjoy discussing these events with other young people. Youth on Subjects of the World is created by the Conscious Consumer Network: The YOSOTW Podcast is sponsored by the Peer Unschooling Network:
Ep. #59 - Should The Govt Have A Monopoly On Violence?
In this episode of Youth on Subjects of the World, we discuss the idea of the government being the only entity able to commit violent acts legally. We also debate the morality of this truth.
Nov 12, 2020
48 min
Ep. #58 - Misconceptions About Democratic Schools
In this episode of Youth on Subjects of the World, we debunk and address common concerns and misconceptions about free schools. Featuring Neil and Dylan Podcast sponsored by the Peer Unschooling Network:
Oct 26, 2020
42 min
Ep. #57 - Interview With A Graduate Of A School With No Grades
In this episode of Youth on Subjects of the World we will explore the educational journey of a graduate from a Sudbury School. Featuring Neil and Dylan Podcast sponsored by the Peer Unschooling Network:
Sep 29, 2020
59 min