You're a Podcast Podcast

You're a Podcast

Austin & Faith Casler McCready
You're a podcast is an honest, hilarious, sometimes serious look into a long term couples relationship. We're Austin and Faith, your hosts. We got married in June of 2019 but have been together since 2010. One of us is an introverted book lover who enjoys planning and thinking things through, and the other one, well they do stand up comedy. Come join us as we talk travel, relationship, past stories and play games. We laugh, our personalities clash, we make fun of each other and call each other names, but somehow find a way to not hate one another. And always remember, You're a Podcast.
You're a Muppet
IT'S CHRISTMAS MOVIE BRACKET TIME!!! Austin and Faith get really distracted while doing a bracket of the best Christmas movies. Our couple dive deep into what makes a Christmas movie, musical songs, 80's bands, how water tastes, and olives. Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Dec 21, 2020
1 hr 1 min
You're a Side Effect
Its raining up here in Oregon and Austin is a sleepy boi. Faith wakes up scary fast and Austin like wasting the day in bed. Our couple talks the new vaccine, how they handle humidity, new names for old games, and their dry, itchy, aging dog. Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Dec 14, 2020
42 min
You're a Bird Bath
Thanksgiving is over and the Holiday season is officially upon us. Our couple talks about holiday music, our Thanksgiving break, Satanists, insulting Christmas gifts, stinky genitals, Florida, what if men had periods, and Austin's shower funtimes. Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Dec 7, 2020
52 min
You're a Remake
Do accents change? Does your speaking pattern change according to who you're with? Would you go on a DNA vacation? What instrument would you want to play? And of course, as the name would suggest, our couple talks about remaking old movies. Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Nov 22, 2020
56 min
You're a Nougat
Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Nov 15, 2020
46 min
You're the President
The election just happened and there is so much to talk about! Austin and Faith talk about all of the new representation we are seeing being elected, porn, 2021, and weed. Plus Faith lays down possibly the sickest burn of all time. Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Nov 9, 2020
53 min
You're a Kobayashi Maru
Its our one year Podcast! Austin and Faith talk about what kind of history you are taught in school, star trek, cartoon conspiracy theories, and who the sexiest Disney character is. Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Nov 2, 2020
1 hr 5 min
You're a Sims God
Brand new episode up! Its all killing in videogames that aren't based on killing anyone, in fact, your should probably be trying harder to keep your characters alive... but its more fun this way! Have suggestions or comments for the show? We want to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Oct 26, 2020
37 min
You're a 50th episode
Its our 50th episode!! And we set up another bracket for you! Get ready for nostalgia to set in, because we're doing a bracket of the best bands of the early 2000's! We're breaking down 32 bands from the early 2000's and pitting them against each other to figure out which one is the best! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Oct 19, 2020
1 hr 29 min
You're a Basic Bitch
Fall is here! Austin and Faith play dope or nope with all the things that come with fall. Turns out Austin has a lot of feelings about it. Pumpkin patches, Thanksgiving, basic bitches, and all other fall items are up for the dope and nope this week, and we want to know how you feel too! Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media @youreapodcast. - Listen on Itunes - Listen on Google Podcast - Listen on Spotify
Oct 12, 2020
54 min
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