Your Smile Matters Podcast Podcast

Your Smile Matters Podcast

Jesse Ritter
Discover A New Smile Transformation Experience…There Have Been Quantum Leaps In The Smile Transformation Process That Now Allow You To Get Your Dream Smile In As Little As 1 Day…No Matter Where You Live! Hello friends, my name is Dr. Jesse Ritter and I'm a Transformational Cosmetic Dentist. Over the duration of my career I have experienced wins and losses in my pursuit to help patients realize their full potential through smile transformation. I've learned through helping clients of mine transform their smile as well as discussions and consultations with patients who couldn't make the decision to move forward, that there is a TON of misperceptions and myths when it comes to smile transformations. This can lead to inaccurate and fear-based decision making which is a bad way to go about any decision. It's my mission to bring you the TRUTH. I'm going to help you: - Dismantle limiting beliefs - Uncover lies your dental insurance has made you believe - Debunk myths propagated in pop culture about cosmetic dentistry - Discuss what's possible with modern dentistry - Alleviate your fear of dentistry - Provide pros and cons of smile transformation - Navigate the waters of quantum leaps and big change in your life - Deal with external influences in your decision making (i.e. other people's opinions) I am going to interview people who have gotten smile transformations, are considering getting smile transformations, experts in mindset and personal development, experts in personal appearance and style, matchmakers, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and more. My purpose is to open you up to possibility for yourself and give you accurate information to make your own personal decision regarding your potential smile transformation. Enjoy the show!
23: Virtual Dental Consultation Trend
What's cooler than working in your pajamas, latte in hand in the comfort of your own home?  Talking to your dentist OF COURSE!! Total no brainer. We can all thank COVID for making this  growing trend.  In all seriousness...COVID sucks. But one of the things it did right was force us to adapt and change how we do business with you, in a safer more responsible manner.  In today's episode I talk about the virtual consultation trend in dentistry and how it impacts you and your care.  Enjoy the episode!
Sep 9, 2020
5 min
22: The Smile Solutions Experience Explained
I’m sure that you’re thinking - “What is so different about this guy? Why does he keep talking about this Smile Solutions Experience?” Allow me to defog your view and delve into what makes this experience so special.  In a nutshell, I explain how we make the process easier for you - whether you’re local or from out of town.  We’ve looked into every barrier that would prevent you from taking the step to get a smile that makes you want to laugh out loud in every photo, and makes others around you wonder what kind of happy pills you’re on that’s causing you to smile EXCESSIVELY! Check out this episode and always please feel free to share with anyone you think would benefit from this information! If you have any questions about the Smile Solutions Experience, please do not hesitate to reach out. Learn More:
Aug 26, 2020
19 min
21: What Is Chronic Tooth Degradation?
Have you experienced?: Cracked teeth Broken teeth Muscle/Jaw pain or headaches Tooth wear or shortening These are all signs of Chronic Tooth Degradation.  Chronic Tooth Degradation is basically tooth wear that is slow.  Like Diabetes, Heart conditions and several other diseases, chronic tooth degradation is insidious in that it may be happening yet you’re not aware of it. Oftentimes, it may go undetected if your dentist is not trained to see the signs. In this episode I discuss how it happens, how we can fix it and what the long term unfortunate consequences may be for you if left untreated. Listen to this episode to catch some important information that could help you if you are experiencing problems with tooth wear or fracturing teeth. Visit Our Website:
Aug 17, 2020
12 min
20: Amazing Email From A Grateful Patient
I never believe that it's the smile transformation itself that causes a change for you. The cosmetic change is simply a opens up doors and possibilities that were always  available to you, yet not seen.  In today's episode I talk about an incredible email that I received from a client who just completed her cosmetic treatment. Her email was a beautiful message that reminded me why I love to do what I do. If my skills can help you become the person you need to be, to get what you so fervently desire in this life...consider it my pleasure to help you get there. Visit Our Website:
Aug 14, 2020
8 min
19: Dental Patient Stories - We Love To Tell Them!
I can’t completely relate to you. Here’s why.  I grew up in a middle class family in Selinsgrove, PA. I was fortunate enough to have a great mom (she passed away November 2018). Because of her love and care, I received excellent dental care.  My teeth were crowded and had a funny shape. So I got braces.  The day my orthodontist removed my braces, my mom took me to our dentist. To improve the shape of my teeth and close some gaps, my doc did some amazing cosmetic work that holds up to this day. I can remember that day vividly. By the end of the experience, I felt like a different person. I was smiling, confident and happy. Thanks mom.  The reason I say that I can’t completely relate to you is because the investment was done on my parent’s part. They spent the time and money making sure I got what I needed to have a healthy happy smile. If you’re reading this, I’m assuming that you are on the hook financially to make this impactful decision.  Although I can share how cosmetic treatment has changed my confidence and life, I can’t talk to you about how it was worth it, if I didn't make the time commitment or financial investment.  That's why it’s important that I share my patient’s stories with you. Because the reality is that aside from feeling happy and confident afterwards, they can share that the investment was worth it.  Visit Our Website:
Aug 12, 2020
5 min
18: Dentist Advice - How Do You Get What You Want?
When you villainize something that you secretly desire in your life, the less likely it is that you will get it.  For example, take someone you consider that has “the good life” i.e. they have: A Fancy car A Beautiful home Plenty of time off for vacations A marvelous social life Basically insert whatever envy worthy aspect of their lives that you can think of.  For instance, if you look at them with disdain for having a fancy car, you will not have one. Even if you reaalllllly want that black ‘67 Shelby’re not going to get it if you have an attitude of “Must be nice” This is just one example of many.  In a nutshell, when you apply shame, disdain or negative feelings towards a desire… How can you expect to take the steps forward towards getting what it is that you want?  How can you be open to possibility? I’ve had one patient explain to me that she felt shame around fixing her smile. She would look at others who made the decision to get a smile makeover with judgement, while also wondering why it is that she wanted a change for herself. Why didn’t she deserve a new smile? What makes one person worthy over another? It wasn’t until she came face to face with her true desire and dissolved the shame that was open to creative ways and action steps to get what she wanted: A new smile that helped her become more carefree and able to connect with others around her.  Visit Our Website:
Aug 10, 2020
9 min
17: Dental Problems - Fix Them Now Or Later?
Which of the following would you prefer? 1) Driving an old beater car with 175,417 miles on it that has bald tires, chipped paint, trouble starting in the cold and every time you take it in for maintenance it needs $500+ of work. Once a year, something major happens like a transmission or serpentine belt going out leaving you sitting in the middle of a busy intersection on a hot summer day. You need to ask a few fellow citizens to help you push your car off to the side of the road while you lower your head in embarrassment.  OR 2) Drive a brand new car that you take in for regular maintenance and oil changes that starts every time and NEVER leaves you stranded or breaks down. You need to ask yourself the same question when deciding to fix your dental problems now or later.  It's a lifestyle choice. Do you want predictability and peace of mind, albeit, with increased upfront investment? Or, do you want to save money up front and constantly be dealing with broken teeth, root canals, new decay, food traps and a smile you're not proud of? In this episode I give you my thoughts on this issue.  Enjoy! Visit Our Website:
Aug 3, 2020
11 min
16: Smile Makeover Decision Making - Take Back Your Power
Are you squandering your greatest power as a human being? The power to choose is what distinguishes human beings from all other creatures.  You have the ability to envision a future and make choices that move that make that vision a reality. We’ve all had pivotal moments in our lives that we believe define us: Getting cheated on in high school. A close friend dying tragically. Your father moving out after a fight with your mother. Don’t fool yourself into believing that these events in your life are the reason you don’t have what you want.  The truth is… It’s your fault.  Every moment since those “defining” events in your life has been an opportunity to make a different choice. To take back control of your thoughts, emotions and actions.  You can’t blame events that happened 20 years ago for keeping you stuck in your current situation. It’s time to take responsibility and grab the reins of your life by making CHOICES that move you closer to your vision for the future. No more excuses. No more lying to yourself. Take back control. Make a decision. It’s your time. Enjoy the episode! Visit Our Website:
Jul 31, 2020
12 min
15: Smile Makeover Decision Making - Take Back Your Power
Isn’t it strange that out of all of the species created on the planet, we are the only ones that sabotage ourselves on the daily?  Let me give you a few examples: “I dont deserve this.” “I’m not worthy” or “I’m worthless.” “I can’t do this.” “I’m not meant for greatness.” Do you think there is a cheetah out there that talks himself out of getting the best out of his life? DOUBT IT!! Same goes for you.  What you expect and what you think about is what you get aka Law of Attraction. So when you talk yourself out of what it is you want in your life, you are engaging in self sabotage. Not only that, when you are not fulfilling your wants and desires, you are stealing from others.  You heard that right! Because you are willingly withholding what it is that you could bring to yourself and others around who would benefit from your service or your example.  In this video I discuss ways in which you hold yourself back, without even realizing you’re doing it. Visit Our Website:
Jul 29, 2020
11 min
14: Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?
A new smile costs dough. What most people don't think about is the OPPORTUNITY COST of guarding their smile, lowered self-confidence, weak self-image, anxiety, embarrassment, diving out of photos and progressive destruction from tooth wear.  All things that can be helped immensely with the new smile I can provide with Integral Cosmetic Dentistry via The Smile Solutions Experience. In this episode I invite you to reframe your mindset around an investment in cosmetic dentistry. Enjoy the episode!
Jul 27, 2020
15 min
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