Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you
Your Next Chapter - step into the next version of you
Angela Raspass
141Menopause is not the end!
40 minutes Posted Dec 14, 2021 at 11:00 am.
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Show notes
  • It is only women and whales who experience menopause – we are designed to live well past our child bearing days and become Matriarchs in our societies
  • Menopause can leave you floundering around in the negative narratives that society has created


  • But it can also be a massively empowering stage of life if we choose to embrace it – a time of reckoning when we ask ourselves “what have I done, what do I want to do now, where am I going?”.


  • The Mary Oliver quote comes to mind now that we can be self-ful at this stage “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
  • New found freedom is a delight – you don’t need to conform anymore, we can be Leaders not Breeders, we can take up more space and advocate for ourselves!


  • Don’t be ageist against yourself like I initially was
  • Be prepared, not scared. Talk to other women. Educate yourself to flourish with a midlife refuel encompassing nutrition, purpose, self-acceptance and freedom
  • We don’t dismiss the autumn leaves in favour of the spring blossom, Both are beautiful, they’re just different,


About the speaker


I'm Rachel Lankester, founder of the Magnificent Midlife Movement. My niggling feeling led me to now. I've had several careers, including journalism, banking and PR, but I most LOVE what I do now - helping like-minded women in midlife and beyond feel great and live life to the fullest. 

How did I get here? Let's rewind.

I went through early menopause at 41, devastating at the time, as I was trying for a second child, but in retrospect, a positive experience.

It took me on a journey of introspection and soul-searching. Now at 54, I'm better and bolder than ever. Though still battling those self-doubt demons from time to time!  Don't we all?

I'm passionate about helping women navigate the often messy middle of life. So you can thrive not just survive. And become the woman you were meant to be. 


I challenge the status quo and work to change negative stereotypes associated with older women. I believe the older and more experienced we get, the more we have to offer the world and especially those women coming up behind us.  We get better with age not worse.

But I don't believe in denying we're getting older or hiding it either. I'm not ashamed to be a midlife woman. I'm proud of it. I think I've earned those midlife stripes just as much as I've earned the laughter lines around my eyes. They don't diminish me in any way.  

I share fabulous stories from wonderfully inspiring women in midlife and beyond on the Magnificent Midlife Podcast. For a quick dose of inspiration, it can't be beaten.


You can buy the Magnificent Midlife Book here: