Make Some Noise with Andrea Owen
Make Some Noise with Andrea Owen
Andrea Owen
Episode 279: 44 things I’ve learned in 44 years, Part 3
25 minutes Posted Apr 30, 2019 at 10:00 pm.
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Hi ass kicker! Happy birthday to Your Kick-Ass Life Podcast! She is SIX YEARS OLD! 🎉🎉🎉To celebrate, over the last few weeks I’ve been taking you through 44 Things I’ve Learned in 44 Years. If you missed the previous episodes of this list, you can see and listen to part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE. Today’s episode, part 3, will take you through numbers 29-44.

Also, there’s still time to enter the giveaway for a chance to win one of many prizes! You can do that HERE.

So, without further ado, here are 44 Things I’ve Learned in 44 Years:

  1. Cleaning up my own messes is the best way to sleep at night. This means apologizing when I’ve been an asshole and just generally doing my best to fix things I’ve made a mess of.
  2. Taking radical responsibility for my life is the only option. No one else is responsible for my happiness. No one.
  3. My children don’t define me. I used to think becoming a mother would be my ultimate life purpose. It isn’t. I used to have a lot of guilt and shame about that. But, I don’t anymore.
  4. No relationship will complete me. Not a single one.
  5. “Taking the edge off” really needed to be examined. For me, I was taking off all the edges. And sometimes edges just need to be dealt with.
  6. Many times exercise really is the best medicine.
  7. The voice in my head that tells me I’m not enough is a liar.
  8. Progress, not perfection.
  9. If I listen, my body is usually trying to tell me something.
  10. I only apologize when I really, truly can stand behind it.
  11. There will always be people that don’t like me and it’s not my job to change their minds. (I admit this one is still tough. It’s a one-day-at-a-time lesson.)
  12. My parents did the best they could, with what they had at that time. And as parents, that’s all we can do.
  13. Forgiveness is more about me, and not them.
  14. Time really doesn’t heal all wounds—I’m in charge of that. Time helps, but being proactive is the catalyst.
  15. All wisdom is created from healed pain
  16. Trying to control everything is my one-way ticket on the crazy train. Sometimes I forget this and get on board.
  17. The comparison trap is basically made-up stories of what I think someone else’s life is like
  18. We’re all scared. We all have fear. The people that say they are fearless are just pretending.

Read the rest of the list HERE


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