Your Infinite Truth Podcast

Your Infinite Truth

Olivia Hannah
My name is Olivia Hannah and I’m so excited to have you. Let me start off by saying I know this podcast will not be everyone's cup of tea. I'm diving deep into spiritual concepts and mindset strategies that have helped me and the people I've worked with release limiting beliefs, anxiety, and unworthiness. I know what it’s like to feel anxious, unworthy, emotionally out of control, confused, and desperate for external validation. By implementing the same strategies I will talk about in this podcast, I was able to rewrite my story and come back to my Infinite Truth. Now I have a healthy relationship with my emotions, a deeper level of self-love than I had previously known to exist, and an unwavering sense of self-worth. If you're open to rediscovering your power through unconventional tactics, this podcast is for you. Because the TRUTH IS, we are all infinite beings with unlimited potential to be, do, and have whatever we desire. Welcome home.
5 - Setting Boundaries: The Ultimate Act of Self-Love
Your boundaries are a direct reflection of the level of love and respect you have for yourself.If you struggle to honor your boundaries - or worse, you're not sure what they are - this episode is going to be nice and juicy for you.In this episode of Your Infinite Truth, I dive into the importance of setting boundaries and why we struggle to honor them, the five types of boundaries and how they can be applied to our life, and how to get started setting sustainable, healthy boundaries."We're conditioned to sacrifice our own power for the sake of others' happiness. We don't like disappointing other people so we say 'yes' when we really mean 'no'... We learn that by putting ourselves first, that makes us selfish. By putting ourselves first, we are not acting from a place of love. But I'm here to tell you that that is f*cking bullsh*t."Let me help you save some resentment, confusion, and energy by sharing the lessons I've learned throughout this journey of setting boundaries.Thanks for tuning in today, my little sweet potato. I hope this episode helps you come back to the infinite truth of who you are.If this episode brings value to your life, make sure you screenshot it, share it on Instagram, and tag me @livhancoach. I would also love it if you could show your support by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. That helps me reach more people just like you. <3You can also make donations through Paypal or Venmo.If you’re ready to invest in yourself further and you’re just dying to work with me, you can check out my offerings below.60 Minute Breakthrough Session12 Week 1:1 Coaching ProgramFree Monthly Mindset Mastery WorkshopThree Month Guided Manifestation JournalTo connect with me further (do it), you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, or through my website.Keep being awesome and always remember who the fuck you are. ; )
Feb 17, 2021
32 min
4 - My Journey with Anxiety and What I've Learned
In this episode of Your Infinite Truth, I share my personal journey with anxiety and four practices that helped me discover where it stems from and how to work with it. I dive into a relationship from college that led to the peak of my anxiety and open up about my childhood trauma.I have been able to come back to my infinite truth of unconditional love and unlimited potential by implementing the same practices I share with you in this episode.DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and am in no way shaming anyone who uses medication to control their anxiety. I am simply sharing MY journey and what has worked for me and others I've worked with or researched. Nothing but love for anyone listening <3Thanks for tuning in today, my little sweet potato. I hope this episode helps you come back to the infinite truth of who you are.If this episode brings value to your life, make sure you screenshot it, share it on Instagram, and tag me @livhancoach. I would also love it if you could show your support by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. That helps me reach more people just like you.You can also make donations through Paypal or Venmo (click the links).If you’re ready to invest in yourself further and you’re just dying to work with me, you can check out my offerings below.60 Minute Breakthrough Session12 Week 1:1 Coaching ProgramFree Monthly Mindset Mastery WorkshopThree Month Guided Manifestation JournalTo connect with me further (do it), you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, or through my website.Keep being awesome and always remember who the fuck you are. ;)
Feb 11, 2021
40 min
3 - Life is F*cking Hard
In this episode of Your Infinite Truth podcast, I reveal the beauty of life's challenges and why, yes, life is hard, but how you have a choice in how you show up. I dive into victim mindset vs. personal power and share my personal experience with the current pandemic. I also spit some truth about coping mechanisms and offer my best tips for navigating the inevitable struggles we all face."Life is not happening TO you-- it is happening FOR you. It is happening to teach you something, to help you grow, to give you the opportunity to evolve. Challenges are opportunities to evolve and create the life that we want."Thanks for tuning in today, my little sweet potato. I hope this episode helps you come back to the infinite truth of who you are.If this episode brings value to your life, make sure you screenshot it, share it on Instagram, and tag me @livhancoach. I would also love it if you could show your support by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. That helps me reach more people just like you. <3You can also make donations through Paypal or Venmo.If you’re ready to invest in yourself further and you’re just dying to work with me, you can check out my offerings below.60 Minute Breakthrough Session12 Week 1:1 Coaching ProgramFree Monthly Mindset Mastery WorkshopThree Month Guided Manifestation JournalTo connect with me further (do it), you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, or through my website.Keep being awesome and always remember who the fuck you are ;)
Feb 6, 2021
33 min
2 - What Does It Mean to Live In Your Truth
In this episode of Your Infinite Truth, I'll be clarifying what it means to live in your truth, how we drift away from that truth through our conditioning, and some tips to help you come back to it. I'll also be introducing some spiritual concepts such as meditation, shadow work, channeling your higher self, and more.We are infinite beings with unlimited potential to be, do, and have anything that we desire."If you are not living in your fullest potential... if you are working a shitty job because you think you have to... if you are in a relationship that sucks because you feel like you're not going to find anyone else... if you're putting up with anything that is not serving your highest self... that story, my friend, if a fucking illusion. It is not the truth."Thanks for tuning in today, my little sweet potato. I hope this episode helps you come back to the infinite truth of who you are.If this episode brings value to your life, make sure you screenshot it, share it on Instagram, and tag me @livhancoach. I would also love it if you could show your support by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. That helps me reach more people just like you. <3You can also make donations through Paypal or Venmo (click the links).If you’re ready to invest in yourself further and you’re just dying to work with me, you can check out my offerings below.60 Minute Breakthrough Session12 Week 1:1 Coaching ProgramFree Monthly Mindset Mastery WorkshopThree Month Guided Manifestation JournalTo connect with me further (do it), you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, or through my website.Keep being awesome and always remember who the fuck you are. ; )
Feb 4, 2021
39 min
1 - Welcome Home To Your Infinite Truth
In this episode of Your Infinite Truth, I introduce myself and share my mission for this podcast. Three of my most important values are transparency, authenticity, and openness - and that's what this podcast is all about. As humans, we are conditioned from the day we are born to please others, ultimately pulling us out of alignment with the authentic, beautiful, infinite truth of who we are. I'm here to guide you back home.Thanks for tuning in today, my little sweet potato. I hope this episode helps you come back to your infinite truth.If this episode brings value to your life, I would love it if you could show your support by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. That helps me reach more people just like you.You can also make donations through Paypal or Venmo (click the links).If you’re ready to invest in yourself further and you’re just dying to work with me, you can check out my offerings below.60 Minute Breakthrough Session12 Week 1:1 Coaching ProgramFree Monthly Mindset Mastery WorkshopThree Month Guided Manifestation JournalTo connect with me further (do it), you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, or through my website.Keep being awesome and always remember who the fuck you are. ; )
Jan 29, 2021
10 min