Your Hidden Light Podcast Podcast

Your Hidden Light Podcast

Raana Zia
Welcome to the Your Hidden Light Podcast hosted by Raana Zia. The purpose of this podcast is to support, uplift, and guide spiritually minded people through times of uncertainty. Be inspired and strengthened by following simple strategies on how to become more powerful manifestors during times of great change. Raana Zia is the author of the book Your Hidden Light: A Personal Guide to Creating Your Desired Life. Please remember to rate, review, and checkout for more information.
Free Your Past
In this episode I talk about my own experience with exploring my inner child and freeing my past.  My story is not one of major trauma but of pain that we didn't know we hold from childhood which ultimately dictates our actions and behaviors as we grow older.  This process of healing the inner child has proven to be of benefit as I have felt shifts within myself lately.  It does not need to be a scary thing and in some ways the process is simple.  I have only just begun but I hope my own experience will inspire you to go deeper within yourself to free your past even if you didn't think you needed it.
Jun 22, 2021
9 min
Letting Go of Expectations
In this episode I talk about how we need to reframe our current situation and the challenges we are being presented to see it as it really is.  You have graduated to the next phase of your personal and spiritual development.  This is the time you are being altered from a deeper level and allowing your new you to begin to emerge.  If things are feeling tougher than normal or not as smooth as you would like them to be, then you are likely undergoing an important part of your transformation.  You are being asked to pay attention and listen to your inner guidance and allow yourself to fundamentally change.
Jun 15, 2021
7 min
The Purpose of Your Triggers
In this episode I talk about the purpose and importance of your emotional triggers at this time.  Your triggers are your guide posts that are pointing you in a direction that is necessary for your spiritual and personal growth.  You are being asked to dig deeper and release that which is no longer needed in where you are going.  In this episode I share a personal story of being triggered and how it literally changed me from within.  I also share some recommendations to help you understand and allow your emotional triggers to benefit you. 
Jun 9, 2021
7 min
It’s Time to Make a Choice
In this episode I talk about the energy of resistance we have felt for the first half of the year.  This resistance is the push and pull of the old and new, and this energy has felt pretty intense so far.  This is a powerful time when our world is undergoing significant change.  This means this change is also happening within us whether we know it or not.  We are slowly letting go of the old so we can move into something new and better.  In this episode I share a few reminders to help you let go of old energy so you can welcome something new into your life.
Jun 1, 2021
8 min
The Push and Pull
In this episode I talk about the intense energy I have been feeling in the month of May.  It's felt like a constant push and pull that has not let up.  May of this year is a month of big change,   and we are going to first experience these major shifts internally.  We are solidifying our desire to choose a new way of being that is better for us and for the collective whole.  Our collective consciousness is expanding.  In this episode I share some recommendations on how to best navigate this chaotic energy in order to help you accelerate your personal growth at this time.
May 25, 2021
7 min
You’re Exactly Where You’re Supposed to Be
In this episode I provide a reminder of why you are where you are now, why you are facing the challenges you are facing, and how to help you accelerate your growth along your path.  If life feels hard or you don't feel like anything is going the way you would like it to, you are being asked to see your situation from another perspective.  There is something within you that needs to shift, and it will if you allow it to.  In this episode I share a few reminders on how to change your perspective so you can allow accelerated transformation to occur at this time for your benefit.
May 18, 2021
8 min
How to See Your Signs
In this episode I talk about how messages are always available to you from your higher self if you pay attention.  Over the last few years, I have paid more attention to the signs and messages I have been getting, where as i the past I would brush them off as a coincidence or nothing of any importance.  The truth is, you have the ability to connect with your higher self, Source, or your guides and receive guidance and answers from them as you navigate through your challenges and your life journey.  You are not alone.  You are being watched over.  In this episode, I share some suggestions on how you can see and hear the messages that are meant for you.
May 11, 2021
10 min
It's Time to Pay Attention
In this episode I share my recent experience with nature.  I have always considered my self a city girl but over the last few years I have been drawn more towards nature.  This year I decided to take up a little bit of landscaping to add to the beauty of Spring I see all around me.  In my initial attempt to clean up my yard, I got a rash from poison ivy.  In this episode, I share what this experience taught me and the messages I received that applies directly to all aspects of my life right now.
May 4, 2021
9 min
Feeling Like a Fraud
In this episode I share my personal experience of feeling like a fraud on my spiritual journey.  There are definitely times when I feel like I am not being completely myself or I am missing the sides of me that I have not had the opportunity to express lately.  During a session on the reiki table I was able to get more  insight as to what I was feeling.  In this episode, I share my personal insights and a few messages for those (like me) that need to hear it.
Apr 27, 2021
8 min
Come Undone
In this episode I talk about a song I heard recently that I can't get out of my head.  It's called Come Undone by Duran Duran.  As music has the power to do, this song always had the power to cut deep into my emotions and take down the walls that give me strength.  At a time of so much change, it does feel like so many things are coming undone.  In this episode, I talk about being deeply aware of how so much change is affecting you. There are times you need to let your walls comes down and allow yourself to come undone in order to see your best path forward.
Apr 20, 2021
7 min
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