Are you a person who looks for diamonds in faraway places? Is the grass really greener on the other side? If you look around your own community you will find endless opportunities, in fact, acres of diamonds. Your Guide, Brad Broyles, shares insights on what to look for in your market, and how to locate the diamonds in the rough that you may be missing.
Jun 28, 2021
27 min

"Your Guide" continues the do's and don'ts about commercial real estate leases. Think of it as the Not-So-Frequently-Asked-Questions that you SHOULD ask but don't know where to turn for the answers. Brad continues to break down what you need to know and offers insights from both the tenant and landlords perspective. Part 2 continues the importance of knowing this information that could save you thousands of dollars and unnecessary headaches.
Jun 14, 2021
32 min

"Your Guide" gives you the do's and don'ts about commercial real estate leases. He breaks down the common mistakes from tenants and compares it with the common mistakes from Landlord. This episode is a must listen podcast that could save you thousands of dollars and unnecessary head aches.
May 31, 2021
41 min

Once again, Brad Broyles uses sports analogies to help give a clearer picture to commercial real estate investing. If you had 100K in invest in CRE - Your Guide gives some insights on how to win when you step up to the plate! Not every deal is a home run - even Babe Ruth struck out way more times (1,779) than he hit home runs (630). Don't gamble on only hitting it out of the park with your money! Consistency is more important than perfection. Today, Your Guide will be Your Coach.
May 24, 2021
31 min

Brad Broyles paints a clearer picture of what's going on in Commercial Real Estate Investing. Just like Chicken Little "the sky is falling", many people panic at the slightest change in market. It ain't as bad as you think, let's look deeper. But it ain't as good either. Just like the beauty queen after marriage, the reality sets in and you get all the flaws you didn't see while dating.
May 17, 2021
20 min

Through his experience as a banker, Brad Broyles shares his understanding of what financial statements REALLY say about Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Liquidity Ratio, Debt to Equity, and Net Worth Ratio. Experience matters and Brad shares his insights that can assist in making better decisions in Commercial Real Estate Investing.
May 10, 2021
25 min

How to thrive in market randomness - Brad Broyles shares insights on how to create an investment portfolio that benefits from economic shock, randomness, disorder and thrives in volatility. Using the book Anti-Fragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb as the outline, Brad Broyles, goes in depth of how to create an Anti-fragile Manifesto in Commercial Real Estate.
May 3, 2021
39 min

Your Guide, Brad Broyles, takes a look back at 1st quarter 2021, and uses sports analogies to discuss the market, the trends and the data as well as how the market looks for 2nd quarter and beyond.
Apr 26, 2021
33 min

Should you lease or purchase the property & building for your business? What are the benefits and the drawbacks to both. When should you lease? When should you purchase? and WHY?
Brad Broyles gives a breakdown of the two business models and helps clarify the pros and cons to these investments.
Apr 22, 2021
28 min

If your team is in the trenches, than you have to be with them. Commercial Real Estate Investing can be a battlefield. Brad Broyles guides you through some of the rough terrain and helps make sense of the casualties and victories of the market.
Apr 22, 2021
37 min
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