New year resolutions … we all love to make them but how many of us actually stick to them? How can we make new year resolutions easy and doable – so that in 12 months we can look back and say wow I did something really important for me.
In this episodeI wanted to share a few thoughts on how can we make new year resolutions more easily? Why? So that we can stick to them and have a feeling of progress by the end of 2022.
I share 5 tips on how to make new year resolutions much more easily and how to make new year resolutions we can actually follow through on.
Dec 16, 2021
16 min

Self-love – how to feel more of it and how to be more consistent at it? Self-love is such a loaded topic for so many of us yet so important if we want to live a happy life.
In this episode I share nine steps that have helped me to revolutionise my relationship with myself. By following these steps I’ve managed to quiet the inner critic and really turn up the volume on a much kinder and loving voice in my head.
I’m literally sharing what I’ve done on my own journey – so each step is very practical and, most importantly, I know they work.
My hope is they will help you revolutionise your relationship with you. Because when we’re more loving toward ourselves we’re so much more able to do more of what matters most to us.
So if you’re thinking about where self-love sits in your life and if you feel like you’d like to work on your own self-love project please listen!!!
Nov 25, 2021
29 min

Passion, self-belief and a deep sense of connectedness are the keys to the success of the incredibly talented and intuitive musician Angela Grima. In this episode Angela shares her love of, and creative journey with sound, music and life.
Angela also demonstrates how to truly live your passion in your life. With a degree in Music and trained in opera she runs several successful businesses that bring the beauty and power of music to audiences ranging from young children through to corporate executives.
In our conversation Angela pulls back the curtain on her process – she shares how we can create music with whatever we have, the power of interconnectedness and vulnerability and how self-belief and passion have fuelled her success. She also discusses how Covid-19 provided an opportunity for a truly beautiful musical project with high school students.
Nov 12, 2021
1 hr 22 min

Who has the loudest voice in your head your Inner Critic or you're Inner Compassionate self? I know for me for a long time it was my inner critic …. but things changed for me a few years ago when I realised how I was cutting the ground out from underneath me with the negative stories “my nasty girl” was telling me and the words I was using about myself.
After ALOT of difficult and painful moments – mostly self-inflicted – I realised the vital importance of self-love and inner compassion. I also realised the voice we choose to listen to in our heads is a choice we make every second, and every minute of every day of our life. So the big question is what do we choose? The Inner Critic or the Inner Compassionate?
Oct 26, 2021
19 min

Do you give yourself permission to shine your light or share your voice? Can you speak your truth when you need to? Do you own your personal power?
Last week we talked about what it looks like to own your personal power and the benefits of owning your personal power.
This week I’m sharing seven steps to help you own your personal power.
This is such a big topic that I'm super passionate about so thank you for being here with me.
Before we go on let me just about the fact that I really do believe owning your personal power is absolutely critical to your personal happiness and fulfilment in your life. Why? To me the purpose of life is about remembering who we truly are, expanding into this full potential, to help others and to have fun!
The best way we can do this is feel comfortable with ourselves and own our personal power. When we feel this way we have the confidence and the internal assuredness to be able to step forward and do the things we might want to do in our lives. As you know that's what this podcast is all about – how to do those things that matter most to you.
Read this episode here:
Sep 23, 2021
26 min

Do you own your own personal power? Do you feel like you’re Wonder Woman in a tricky business or work situation or do you feel the opposite? Are you comfortable sharing your message with the world or do you want to hide in the corner? Do you feel free to say “no” when you need to in a personal situation?
This week on Your Freedom Unlimited we are talking about owning your personal power. This is such a powerful concept that can either bring goosebumps of excitement – or a cold shiver – if deep down we feel like we’re not really owning our power.
Why are we talking about it? Because I believe owning your power is such a vital part of personal happiness … when we own our power we’re more likely to get out there and do the things that matter most to us. Without it, we can stay paralysed in the corner with fear.
Listen to this episode to find out exactly what true personal power is, and the five reasons I believe owning your personal power is so vitally important!
Sep 10, 2021
20 min

Finding true freedom within, after experiencing trauma in her early life is the focus of our conversation with trauma coach and healer Alissa Nathaniel. Alissa’s rich history, as a practitioner of acupuncture, acutonics, neural organisation technique and yoga and her own journey to healing has inspired the work she is doing today.
Alissa holds the space for people with P.T.S.D., trauma, stress, depression and/or anxiety to move from frozen to freedom. In our interview she explains the unique techniques she uses to help unlock the energy pathways and frequencies that help her clients transform, expand and finally find freedom from suffering.
Despite trauma in her early life Alissa has had a lifelong fascination with the divine and she firmly believes remembering who we truly are can reignite the body’s innate wisdom to heal.
Alissa is also a beautiful singer of sacred song and mantra.
Aug 20, 2021
1 hr 2 min

What could our fear be distracting us from? When we're in a fear state, what are we actually missing out on? What are we not doing as a result of our fear?
As you know in the podcast I talk a lot about our emotional frequency and vibration. Most often on the podcast I’ve spoken about positive emotional frequencies but this week I want to speak about fear because I see how much power it has over us – when it doesn’t need to. It’s also something people don’t like to talk about too much. But I feel we need to talk about it and we need to look at what we can do about it.
This is something I've been considering a lot about this week as I’ve witnessed the media coverage, and social media commentary, here in Australia in relation to COVID-19. We’re in the middle of a Delta outbreak, a lot of the country is in lockdown and there is a huge discussion about vaccinations.
All of this got me thinking about how fear is actually a huge distraction for all of us in our lives and it is distracting us from what we really want – which is to feel more love, more connection, more happiness, more joy and more excitement in our lives.
Aug 1, 2021
24 min

Emily Fong is an artist and community maker who heard the call to make art her life’s work after studying architecture between Australia and France. Since then she has followed the breadcrumbs of inspiration to teach art and life drawing, work as an Artist in Residence in Italy and Scotland, participate in a landscape painting television competition and collaborate with composers to incorporate drawing into live performance. While Emily is a born artist – her ability to create community and inspire other artists is just as innate. Through her drawing, painting, sculpture and writing Emily explores life and death, embodiment and emotion and what it is like to be a human inside a physical container. Join us for this fascinating episode and discover how Emily’s preoccupation with radicchios in Italy led to an Artist Residency with scientists in Scotland. This episode is for anyone ready to take their creativity to the next level. As part of this Emily shares valuable tips to encourage budding creatives to take the next step with their art.
Jul 21, 2021
1 hr 12 min

Have you ever struggled with making hard decisions? It could be deciding to leave your well paid job to start a new business, changing careers, starting a new relationship, deciding on medical treatment or moving to a new city or home.
This week on Your Freedom Unlimited I'm excited to be sharing with you 7 steps to making hard decisions easier. How? By tapping into your own intuition and inner knowing – your own innate power.
Making hard decisions has been top of mind for me lately as there’s a big debate in Australia right now about the Covid-19 vaccine. There’s a lot of discussion in our media and in our community – with a lot of for and against information in the mix. It's become very polarizing … and fear-based on both sides of the argument. So I also share on this episode how I’ve used my 7 steps to make that decision.
This episode is for anyone who struggles with how to make a hard decision and is especially useful for anyone sensitive or who may experience high functioning anxiety. How do I know? Because I’ve travelled that road and I know how much easier, and gentler, this inspired approach is … after what feels like a lifetime of finding it hard to make good decisions.
Looking back I can see how my fear – through my high functioning anxiety – corrupted my decision-making process. These are the tips I wish I had a long time ago.
In the episode I also mention my How to Meditate for Beginners Guide. To get it just visit jenramsey.com.begin
Jul 9, 2021
29 min
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