Your Best Life Ever
Your Best Life Ever
Justin Thomas
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3. Procrastination.. "I'll do it later"
35 minutes Posted May 3, 2019 at 6:00 am.
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Procrastination.. "I'll do it later" #003

We all do it…
Why do we do it?
How do we break free from it?
How do we overcome it?
How do successful people conquer it? or do they

For the next 3 weeks I will focus on Procrastination!
This week we will look at the big picture and how we can start today to beat this annoying habit


Do you persistently struggle with procrastination?

Is procrastination robbing you of the opportunity to achieve your goals? 

Do you regularly succumb to a myriad of excuses, habits, thoughts, and fears that are slowly but surely stealing your life and time away?

If this sounds like you, then it might give you a little comfort to know that you are not alone. In fact, you are part of the majority who struggle with procrastination every single day.

  • Starting super small (Tiny Habits, tiny tasks)
  • Accepting a flawed performance 
  • (I procrastinate… so what… Im not a procrastinator .. I have a habit of procrastination
  • EVALUATE Routines / Morning all 
  • Knowing your why (Having a strong why (Should vs. Want)
    What am I trying to do?
    How am I trying to do it?
    Could there be a better way to do this?
    What are my most important goals here?
    Am I on target towards achieving them?
  • Finding it
  • Identify your pro triggers and how to beat them 
  • Limiting Beliefs Identify & Reframing
  • Stay the course 

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