You Look Nice Today Podcast
You Look Nice Today
You Look Nice Today
Episode 46: Poolside - episode of You Look Nice Today podcast

Episode 46: Poolside

36 minutes Posted Oct 2, 2012 at 9:00 pm.
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Show notes
Free swim Thursdays
Shower before entering pool. Also, shave before entering pool.
This is a “Body Shame Free” zone. You must keep your eyes closed at all times.
Chairs may only be saved with a passport, $50 bill, or a signed photo of Burt Reynolds.
Towels available for a small fee—ask the Towel Troll for details.
Water in the pool is a privilege, not a right!
Just going to be honest here about going #1 and #2: going #1 is way less of a big deal than you think. Going #2 is way more of a big deal than you think.
Do NOT talk to Randy about 9/11.
Also: what’s your theme song; Adam the lion; cloggin’ a drain; seeing yourself in a mirror; grits etc.; Burt Reynolds; peeing on Car 17; splashing is not drowning; pool chairs for everyone bro; browsing TV Guide; Robin Hood of chaises; an original Playstation; The Meerkats and the Laundry Bag; nipples in a crawlspace; ask Quora; the sausage sweats.