You Haven't Seen What? / Crime Files Movie Podcast Podcast

You Haven't Seen What? / Crime Files Movie Podcast

Joelle & Parry You Haven't Seen What? / Crime Files Movie Podcast
A married couple's quest to rectify the wrongs of their partner never seeing culturally relevant movies. (Mostly 1980s, but we dabble in other decades.) The Crime Files specifically examines crime movies and their impact upon societal perceptions of law enforcement.
Crime Files - Ep 7 Almost LIVE at ASC - American Psycho (2000) - "I simply am not there"
This episode was scheduled for recording at the ASC (The American Society of Criminology) Annual Conference in November 2022. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, it was rescheduled as a Zoom recording on August 30, 2023. Our very special guests are: Caroline Comerford, M.S. - Founder, CVC Consulting Adam Stern, Ph.D - Associate Professor, Curry College
Nov 15, 2023
1 hr 50 min
Sing (1989) - “Honey, you do not know what this Italian butt is capable of!”
“Brooklyn Central High School has just one more chance to sing their heart out.” Parry - "SING!" Joelle "Nanananananananananaaaaaaaaa"
Aug 24, 2022
1 hr 17 min
Zodiac - LIVE at ASC - You Havent Seen What - Ep CF6
This episode was recorded LIVE at the ASC (The American Society of Criminology) 76th Annual Conference in Chicago, IL on November 1th, 2021. Our very special guests are: Caroline Comerford, M.S. - Founder, CVC Consulting Adam Stern, Ph.D - Associate Professor, Curry College
Jun 8, 2022
1 hr 18 min
Gremlins (1984) - “I told ya we shoulda got a Zenith”
A boy receives a a surprisingly good Christmas gift, in the form of a living creature no one has seen before, from his usually disappointing Dad. However, when the little monster’s spawn destroy the town and ruin Christmas, the gift turns out to be as disappointing as his Dad and his lousy inventions. Joelle - "The Gremlins scare me more than serial killers." Parry - "(In Ralph Parker voice) I don’t think Gremlins make a very good Christmas gift."
Mar 4, 2022
1 hr 11 min
Ep: 37 - Children of the Corn (1984) - "I spy with my little eye, something that starts with the letter 'C'"
They Like Corn! Parry: "Outlander! I have your vaccine!" Joelle - "You need a weapon. You need something to 'juk' people in the eye cause your man done left you!"
Nov 3, 2021
1 hr 14 min
Ep: 36 - Better Off Dead (1985) - "WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT'S HOLY?!"
Lane Meyer’s attempts to mend a broken heart by unsuccessfully attempting to kill himself. Joelle - "Cracker Jack prizes suck. At least they could give us a temporary tattoo." Parry - "A lower back temporary tattoo?"  
Sep 17, 2021
1 hr 19 min
Godfrey Reggio Interview! - “Cinema is to feel, not just to see.”
Godfrey Reggio, director of the Qatsi Trilogy (Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqatsi, Naqoyqatsi), Anima Mundi, Evidence, Visitors, and many others, joins us to speak about his life and journey as a filmmaker. Also, Parry completely geeks out speaking with someone who changed his perceptions of film, society, and Twinkies*. *A deep cut Koyaanisqatsi reference not actually mentioned in this interview. But if you know, you know.
Jul 16, 2021
1 hr 29 min
Ep 35: Koyaanisqatsi (1982) - "If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."
Visuals and music are seamlessly blended into a pure cinema (or non-narrative) event that presents the familiar as unfamiliar and creates the conditions through which a local can see the world like a tourist. Parry - "Bikes are really hard to come by during a pandemic." Joelle - "Polyester is good for no one."
Jun 23, 2021
1 hr 47 min
Ep 34: Jaws: The Revenge (1987) - HOLIDAY SPECIAL - “I’ve always wanted to make love to an angry welder. I’ve dreamed of nothing else since I was a small boy.”
Jaws spawn seeks revenge on the surviving Brody family members. Joelle - "Find your fucking holiday joy, Grinch!" Parry - "Brody the Shark Slayer"
Dec 24, 2020
1 hr 12 min
Ep: 33 - The Witches of Eastwick (1987) - "Have another cherry."
Death, divorce, and desertion leaves three friends desperate for love, attention, and sex...and then the Devil appears. Joelle - "I was not able to eat cherries for a long time after watching this." Parry - "The Devil came down to Eastwick."
Oct 31, 2020
1 hr 15 min
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