Get our guest Rachel she will bless you in this devotional about the Lord she also will release angels and give prophetic words stay tuned
Jun 24, 2022
21 min

Visions of Different dimensions specific by 7 and heaven and also a mand also a man's witness and rejection of the gospel it's seen and how crying out to this day
Jan 23, 2022
38 min

I cover how christians can be operating under false prophetic mantles how to discern the true prophet . True Prophets are defined with clear qualities that will cause you to know them!
Jan 17, 2018
21 min

A powerful prophecy about the Supreme Court and the coming generation...this is packed full of stuff...I had a hard time finding it online it is only sold in one or two more websites
Oct 20, 2017
1 hr 11 min

Last year Jason Westerfield came out about new age involvement and many people followed him unfortunately because of his reputation in the supernatural and they let God's Word not be their anchor...i feel like this is a great conversation how to deal with false prophecy, teachers, miracles and false spirits....here you will get for sure keys and stratagies to stay in the truth! Here is that Episode and interview with Michael from Sweden....Micael and Zane talks about how to discern false prophets in a biblical
way and why Jason Westerfield's recent video isn't a normal Christian
description of cosmic realities but hardcore astrological new age.http://holyspiritactivism.com/Here's evidence for Jason's new age preaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4quz...Finger of God Movie Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6vy-...
Jul 29, 2017
48 min

One of the oldest recordings i could find of Bob Jones. Bob Jones is a seer Prophet that has countless prophecies that have accurately come to pass and are still coming to pass.
Jul 23, 2017
54 min

Here is an intro to our series of teachings and info on who is the
person of the Holy Spirit...can i hear God today, how to experience God,
. In this podcast we clearly give you practical ways on how to hear
supernaturally and how to know on God the Spirit on the deepest level ..
He is the ultimate Spiritual Guide... We demonstrate on the live
recording the power of healing through God's Spirit check it out!
Jun 29, 2017
1 hr 1 min

This is a prophetic word for 2010 to 2020. Randy Demain personally was interviewed. This was over Skype we share about the new world order on what and what God is doing in the earth.
Jun 25, 2017
27 min

Prophetic word that i felt led to share about God's Sons that he's maturing to give a full testimony of His Son in the Earth.
Jun 25, 2017
3 min