WWE Mentality Podcast

WWE Mentality

WWE Mentality
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For people who live and breathe WWE and want an honest fanboy description of what my co-host Jamie aka JR and I (Justin) feel about all things WWE!
JR back in the studio to talk Smack Down Live, Raw, and preview Elimination Chamber
WELCOME back ladies and gentlemen to another " Too Sweet " edition of Wwe Mentality. JR steps back into the studio to talk more wrassiling and give you his takes/predictions on SDL, Raw, and Elimination Chamber. Also if you would like to purchase a Wwe Mentality T-Shirt please E-mail the show at [email protected]. ENJOY !!!Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Mar 9, 2020
43 min
JR is here to recap Super ShowDown, SmackDown, and Raw
Welcome back ladies and gents to what I thought was a really great episode of Wwe Mentality. We had a lot to cover this week so without further a do,,,, ENJOY Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Mar 3, 2020
44 min
JR weathers the cold as he sits down with a cold and gives you the best he can to recap Smack Down, Raw, and some news
JR is back but with a cold this time ( sorry ).... but he sits down at East Carolina Radio to discuss his take on Smack Down, Raw, and foreshadowing some more Super Show Down being held in Saudi Arabia one week from today. Be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel or E-mail me at [email protected] this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Feb 21, 2020
45 min
JR is back with another episode of Wwe Mentality recapping smackdown, Raw, and forshadowing SuperShow Down
I am back recapping Smack Down, Raw, and covering some matches for Wwe's event in Saudi Arabia which is the Super Show Down on February 27th. Be sure to E-mail the show and let me know how i am doing, and or send me any of your opinions Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Feb 18, 2020
52 min
JR is in a new studio, with new production and a new episode of WweMentality.
JR covers SmackDown, Raw, and Super Show Down, also JR shares his new experience with working in a new studio, as well as getting a new WweMentality T-Shirt. Hope everyone joins the #Movement Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Feb 10, 2020
45 min
JR sits down to deliver you once again another great segment of Wwe Mentality R.I.P Kobe Bryant
As JR sits down to talk Wwe he also pays tribute to one of the NBA's greatest legends in Kobe Bryant. Also covering all the matches at Sundays Royal Rumble. Winners Drew McNtyre picks who he wants to face at WM 36 and we will have to wait for Charlottes pick. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Jan 30, 2020
44 min
Interview with Rocket pro Wrestling Champion Tyler Bodine, covering Smackdown, Raw, and Royal Rumble
JR and Mr. Keennnddyyy sit down again for the second week in a row to Interview Rocket Pro Wrestling Champ Tyler Bodine. We also cover smackDown, Raw, and make our Royal Rumble picks. Please E-mail the show at [email protected], winner gets a Wwe Mentality T-Shirt. Have a great and " wonderful" weekend enjoy the Rumble and we will see you next week. LET THE RUMBLE BEGIN !!!!!!!Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Jan 24, 2020
1 hr 19 min
Jr recaps Smackdown live and raw with his brother Mrrrrr..Kenneddyyy
The brothers are back together once again for another electrifying edition of Wwe Mentality join us as we take you through SmackDown live And Raw. Also finding out who the guest will be next week Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Jan 16, 2020
1 hr 16 min
Recapping the first Smack Down of the new decade as well as the First Raw of the new decade
JR. flying solo today recapping Smack Down and Raw. Also going over the 2019 Wwe awards that were mentioned on last weeks episode as well as the NXT awards that were given out on last weeks edition of NXT. Please feel free to leave Wwe Mentality an E-mail regarding any episode and/or creative idea you may have for Wwe programing going forward at [email protected]. Much appreciated to all of our fans and always remember to " keep slamming, and stay wonderful "Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Jan 9, 2020
37 min
Happy New Year!!  Recapping the last few weeks of RAW and Smackdown!
After a little break, JR jumps back into the driver's seat on a solo mission to get you up to speed with all things WWE to start of your 2020! Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/wwe-mentality/exclusive-content
Jan 3, 2020
50 min
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