Wrestling With My Brother Podcast

Wrestling With My Brother

Wrestling With My Brother
Two brothers, separated by lockdown, share some of their favourite wrestling clips. Get ready for smack-talking, spandex, suplexes, sideslams and lots of silliness.
Episode 65: A Bag For Now
In this episode the brothers are discussing an underrated match, a hidden gem, some rock and roll music and why sorry seems to be the hardest word… Clip 1: AJ Styles vs D’Lo Brown, TNA, 2003 https://youtu.be/D1f_uVj35jw Clip 2: 123 Kid vs Hakushi, WWF Summerslam 1995 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cyfem Clip 3: Steve Corino Crashes a Limp Bizkit Concert, ECW, 1999 https://youtu.be/CrMw8u36h10 Clip 4: The Ultimate Warrior’s apology video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kFRz0oIQ-pc Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Feb 26, 2024
38 min
Episode 64: Bring Waldo Back
With clips featuring crazy six-man action and hard-hitting mother/daughter action, this episode sounds a lot ruder than it actually is. Clip 1: Top Flight and Action Andretti vs Komamder, El Hijo del Vikingo and Penta El Zero Miedo, AEW Rampage Winter Is Coming, 2023 https://youtu.be/XQ1inoB0eH4?si=mPQfaknZSh9tug_M Clip 2: Amazing Maria vs Hollyhood Haley J Death Match, OVW Saturday Night Riot, 2022 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EOrPAhMwxP4&pp=ygUFI292c3M%3D Clip 3: WWE Weakest Link https://youtu.be/aC2Uf0GZoNg?si=WpxUtPxi1F8QIoDN Clip 4: WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures - Kane https://fb.watch/nh8Oc85Cgq/ Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Jan 29, 2024
39 min
Christmas Special (2023)
The brothers are back with a third helping of festive fighting and fun! This seasonal special features no fewer than THREE Santas - that’s two more than last year’s episode! Clip 1: Santa Clause vs The Grinch, Top Talent Wrestling, 2022 https://youtu.be/K6WsxEIT2Vo Clip 2: Alberto Del Rio runs over Santa, WWE Raw, 2012 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lUw_ZIDOK30 Clip 3: Ric Flair’s Christmas Party, WWE Raw, 2001 https://youtu.be/MbWBZiBYHy8 Clip 4: Christmas presents with DX, WWE, 2009 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a67i_R5Dmjw Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Dec 24, 2023
39 min
Episode 63: Mario the Mutilator
This episode probably features the most actual in-ring action for months, including one of the bloodiest matches ever. Clip 1: Logan Paul vs Rey Mysterio, WWE Crown Jewel 2023 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8pcx1i Clip 2: Eddie Guerrero vs JBL, WWE Judgement Day, 2004 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5j0jgq Clip 3: Walter vs Darby Allin, Evolve 2018 https://youtu.be/bVWhNAL6PSk?si=jaKslE64FExEbQOU Clip 4: Mick Foley buries Hulk Hogan https://fb.watch/ogKGtoKZk7/ Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Dec 4, 2023
40 min
Episode 62: Read the stable
In this episode we discuss: man v horse, man v vast quantities of alcohol and promo vs promo. There’s also a wrestling match. Clip 1: Terry Funk vs a horse: https://youtu.be/XSj8F7luz3E?si=wzYYwne-FRcniMEe Clip 2: Chris Jericho vs RVD, WWE Unforgiven 2001 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xl0new Clip 3: Stories about Andre: https://fb.watch/nLQMRzxc9t/ Clip 4: MJF does the Bret Hart promo, 2023 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NCQJyqjWA0g Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Oct 30, 2023
36 min
Episode 61: Sneezy McGee
Clip 1: Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles, Super X Cup final, TNA Sacrifice 2005 https://youtu.be/EKNMGxmfL6M?si=SpRrIZ9bJljZOaRO Clip 2: Edge vs. John Cena, TLC match, WWE Unforgiven 2006 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KVQSYByRDSc Clip 3: AEW Truth or Dab https://youtu.be/t_5LT4Izggg?si=r5LgsQbIdm0hvgo0 Clip 4: Tony Schiavone has some harsh words for Mike Tenay, TNA, 2003 https://fb.watch/n4lDRocpUD/ Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Sep 25, 2023
42 min
Episode 60: Summer Special
It’s the summer time and the weather is…varied. But wherever you are, whether you’re fleeing from a burning island or fleeing from a devastating flood, we hope you enjoy this look back at some wrestling clips from the summers of yore… Clip 1: Jerry Lynn vs Steve Corino, ECW HeatWave 2000: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5hltcz Clip 2: Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair, WCW Bash at the Beach 1994 https://www.facebook.com/ProWrestlingJunkies93/videos/3110327489057270/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v Clip 3: Funny WWE Summerslam moments: https://youtu.be/NRqxGkzjPDw Clip 4: Sid & Vader confront Sting & Bulldog, WCW Saturday Night, 1993 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YTiMUXDu1eA Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Jul 31, 2023
40 min
Episode 59: Eagle-eared
In this episode we bring you two very different wrestling matches, a 1980s singalong and God. What else do you need? Clip 1: Vikingo vs Kenny Omega, AEW Dynamite, 2023 https://youtu.be/YHqW6Yv_LxI Clip 2: Cesaro vs William Regal, WWE NXT 2013 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6ymt5l Clip 3: If You Only Knew, WWF Slammy Awards, 1987 https://youtu.be/dcnC7M-L28A Clip 4: Vince and Shane go to church, WWE, 2006 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EGIXGpxT2Wc Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Jul 10, 2023
38 min
Episode 58: CM Punk special
It’s our first compilation episode, and we’re looking back at the career of old Chick Magnet himself - Phil Brooks, aka CM Punk. From pipe bombs to pastries, we’ve picked four of our favourite Punk clips from previous episodes. Clip 1: The CM Punk ‘pipe bomb’ promo, WWE Raw, 2011 https://youtu.be/ijBx8dJORNo Clip 2: CM Punk debuts in AEW, 2021 https://youtu.be/ByAXCjqBzLg Clip 2: Clip 3: CM Punk’s first promo in AEW, 2021 https://youtu.be/KrZXDqREmaU Clip 4: Punk in every sense of the word, AEW, 2022  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBAvjOYD6hs Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Jun 21, 2023
46 min
Episode 57: Sex-noise swanton
Wrestling is no joke. Sure, sometimes you might have to fight a cardboard cutout, find yourself threatened by a drone or compete for custody of your child in a ladder match, but essentially it’s a serious business. Clip 1: Firm Deletion at the Hardy Compound, AEW, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hefsv5H2Ww Clip 2: Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero, ladder match, WWE Summerslam 2005 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0vM0btyVM6I Clip 3: Mick Foley vs. Rocky Balboa, TNA Impact, 2009 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OddPhO1-pVI Clip 4: Yokozuna vs Earthquake Sumo match, WWF Raw, 1994 https://www.facebook.com/WWENetwork/videos/503646314878430/ Hosts: Darren Evans and Craig Evans Producer: Darren Evans Music: Craig Evans Artwork: Craig Evans
Jun 12, 2023
39 min
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