Worship Central Podcast

Worship Central

Worship Central
Podcast by Worship Central
Why Worship? | Power & Praise w/ Dr Nick Drake & Noel Robinson
Noel shares deeply from his own life and describes how it is possible to turn petition into praise, no matter what the circumstance we face. He reminds us too that children model this kind of faith, this simple-hearted praise: ‘Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger’ (Ps 8.2).
Jun 25, 2021
45 min
Why Worship? | How We Worship w/ Dr Nick Drake & Kees Kraayenoord
We begin by exploring the crucial theme of intimacy in worship. Worship enables and encourages an openness in our hearts to the heart of God. Kees Kraayenoord shares his own story of vulnerability before God and encourages us to do the same: ‘It takes the real you to step into intimacy with the Father. Not the “spiritual you”, the “you” you want people to believe you are.’
Jun 18, 2021
36 min
Why Worship? | How We Worship w/ Dr Nick Drake & Lyn Weston
Lyn Weston from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity expertly leads us through themes such as worship and justice, and how worship must overflow into action, as well as offering some really practical guidance for being a fruitful Christian in our everyday life. She leaves us with the challenge: ‘What is happening in the 110 hours a week where we are not worshipping at church? How do we worship God in those places?’
Jun 11, 2021
25 min
Why Worship? | How We Worship w/ Dr Nick Drake & Lou Fellingham
Why come together to worship and sing? What does singing do? How is physical expression linked to worshipping together? How does worship foster a greater sense of community? Lou inspires us to come to corporate worship with faith and expectation: ‘as you lift your voice, as you declare truth again over your life, as you lay your worries before him, God will meet with you!’
Jun 4, 2021
42 min
Why Worship? | Who We Worship w/ Dr Nick Drake & Graham Kendrick
We begin by opening the door on the ‘private’ space of our lives. How do we invest in our own personal devotion? What are some of the crucial tools to help us worship when no one is looking? In this episode, Graham encour- ages us to develop rhythms of worship in our day-to-day lives that will last a lifetime. He invites us to be ‘self-starters’, not depending on others to lead us but rather leading ourselves first and foremost to live authentic, sustained lives of worship.
May 28, 2021
25 min
Why Worship? | Who We Worship w/ Dr Nick Drake & Dr Helen Morris
Exploring the absolute centrality of Jesus to our worship through the book of Hebrews with Dr Helen Morris. Hebrews is a key text, if not the key text, for understanding Christian worship. It is so rich with imagery and Old Testament reference. ‘In Hebrews, the author expresses his praise to Jesus by presenting the amazing truths about who Jesus is and what he has done, with beauty and intricacy.’ In this podcast, we are reawakened to the beauty of who Jesus is and the majestic scope of what he has done for us on the cross.’
May 21, 2021
32 min
Why Worship? | Who We Worship w/ Dr Nick Drake & Dr John Andrews
‘If we are to authentically live out a lifestyle of worship it must come from truth we have heard about him and a revelation we have received from him.’ Dr Nick Drake & Dr John Andrews explore the study of ’Shema’ — the Jewish confession of faith that we find in Deuteronomy 6.4–5. This is a foundational revelation of the nature of the Oneness of God and our right response to him. He explores what it meant for the people of God at that time, and for us today, to not only hear this truth of God’s nature but to obey it.
May 14, 2021
33 min
Why Worship? | Introduction w/ Dr Nick Drake & Tim Hughes
Why Worship is a series based on the book 'Why Worship?' curated by Dr Nick Drake & Tim Hughes, exploring the questions — how do we worship better? How can we honour, love and serve God better? How can our lives be more aligned to his incredible life? In this episode, Nick & Tim unpack a little about the heart behind the book and open up part one, why worship?
May 7, 2021
30 min
24. When The Spirit Comes + Guest Nicky Brown
What does it look like when the Spirit of God is poured out on all people? Join the WC Team as they prepare for Pentecost, desiring more of Holy Spirit in our times of worship. We also have a special guest interview w/ worship leader and songwriter Nicky Brown from Saints Church, London.
May 5, 2021
55 min
23. The Reset — Part 2 w/ Guest Jeremy Riddle
In this episode, Luke Hellebronth interviews Jeremy Riddle on setting a culture of worship and digging deeper into Jeremy's book 'The Reset'. Listen in on this raw, unedited conversation!
Apr 7, 2021
1 hr 7 min
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