Working On A Masterplan Podcast
Working On A Masterplan
Working On A Masterplan
Working On A Masterplan
Working On A Masterplan
There are tons of shows, blogs, books and people speaking about finding great relationships, right? Well, how about instead of focusing on finding 'the one', turn your focus to becoming 'the one'. First let’s answer the question of the hour, what is the masterplan? It’s your life. Everything you do, say and think affects the ever changing plan, which is how your life is playing out. To have a great dating life with others of quality, one must learn to live a fulfilling life while single. To master dating and relationships, you must understand that it is about connecting, giving, building and sometimes letting go. Once you understand these basic concepts you will know how to work on your own masterplan. The Working on a Masterplan show will guide you into finding your power, identifying your voice and creating a balance to allow you the opportunity to manifest meaningful and healthy relationships into your life. The host of Working on a Masterplan is author, host and dating expert LaTrina McDonald. To find out more information please visit
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