Women in the Middle®: Loving Life After 50 - Midlife Coach Podcast Podcast
Women in the Middle®: Loving Life After 50 - Midlife Coach Podcast
Suzy Rosenstein
Women in the Middle®: Loving Life After 50 - Midlife Coach Podcast
Suzy Rosenstein
Women in the Middle® is a podcast for midlife women who are ready to hear some good news about being over 50! Suzy Rosenstein, MA and Master Certified Life Coach shares the good, bad, ugly, and sometimes downright hysterical about growing older and making the changes you want to make so you don't have regrets in your second chapter. As a midlife coach for women, Suzy shares an upbeat perspective along with coaching & guidance about self-care, career boredom, career change, entrepreneur lifestyle, happiness, relationships, mindset, empty nest, aging, and life transitions with a mix of guests, humor and no-nonsense. If you feel stuck in your midlife moment, get unstuck and clear about what you want at https://suzyrosenstein.com/podcast-bundle/
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Latest episode
3 months ago
June 13
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