The Share Faith Podcast Podcast
The Share Faith Podcast
Paulo Lopes & Kim Reisman
Belief Matters: James Loftin & Nathan Cook - episode of The Share Faith Podcast podcast

Belief Matters: James Loftin & Nathan Cook

50 minutes Posted Jun 15, 2023 at 4:00 am.
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Thanks for joining us for the Beliefs Matter Podcast!  In this episode, Rev. Dr. Maxie Dunnam pulls up a chair with James Loftin from FollowOne International and Nathan Cook from Christ Church Memphis.   James Loftin is founder and president of FollowOne International (est. 2004), a mission that provides coaching and resources to help churches and Christ followers have maximum impact on their communities and the world. Prior to FollowOne, James was dean of the chapel and director of missions at Asbury Theological Seminary (Orlando campus). He also served as the minister of missions in several churches and was a senior corporate consultant with Awake Consulting and Coaching. In addition to serving on the team that started the Orlando Campus of Asbury Seminary, Reverend Loftin helped launch an international school in Asia and two nonprofit ministries in the US that continue to excel: Break Thru Ministries in Mississippi and Service Over Self (SOS) in Tennessee.  James holds an undergraduate degree in sociology from Mississippi State University and a master of divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. He has listened, learned, and served in urban and rural settings in over forty nations. After living in China for five years, James and his wife, Vivien, came to the United States for a two-week vacation in early 2020. Unable to return to Asia due to the pandemic, the Loftins made a home in Georgia. They enjoy exploring nature, trying new foods, and making friends.  James’ book, Born to Shine, can be found at the FollowOne website or on   Nathan Cook is the new Missions Pastor at Christ Church in Memphis. He grew up going to Christ Church as a youth. Through volunteering at SOS, God gave him a vision for urban ministry. For the last 20 years he has been living in the Binghampton neighborhood with his family. He started several house churches in urban neighborhoods and prepared young physicians for missionary service while working at Christ Community Health Services. He also spent several years doing grassroot community development, helping to start an outreach to women trapped in prostitution and addiction. He is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KY. He is married to Kim, his partner in life and ministry. Together they have three children: Caleb, Grace and Ella.   Dr. Dunnam has a website with a plethora of writings and resources at   For more information about World Methodist Evangelism, check out