Wild Peace for Parents: Stories of Hope & Inspiration Podcast
Wild Peace for Parents: Stories of Hope & Inspiration
Kendra Wilde
Let’s Get the Dads' Point of View, with Louis Mendoza - episode of Wild Peace for Parents: Stories of Hope & Inspiration podcast

Let’s Get the Dads' Point of View, with Louis Mendoza

35 minutes Posted Jul 3, 2019 at 6:00 am.
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Show notes

Today we shine a light on what it’s like to be a father on an unexpected parenting journey. Dads need support too, but their needs are different. My guest, the earnest and amazing Louis Mendoza, runs the Washington State Father’s Network, which connects fathers of kids with special healthcare needs with each other so they can talk about their experiences, share resources, and develop a sense of camaraderie. We also learn all about a workshop Louis conducts called “Telling Your Story with a Purpose” which helps fathers craft an “elevator pitch” of their story with the aim of influencing someone – be it a legislator, teacher, therapist… or other target – to mobilize on the behalf of their child and others. This is a fundamental skill that every parent or caregiver can hone to become a more effective advocate. Father voices seem to be under-represented when it comes to advocacy and Louis is on the move to bring them OUT, which ultimately benefits our kids (and provides a bit of expressive therapy for the dads in our lives). Can’t wait for you to hear this one.


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