Kimber knew in her gut that something about her daughter was 'off'. After a long process of discovery - which included a doctor proclaiming Kate would never walk, MRIs, EEGs, and a move to El Salvador - she learned Kate has Spastic Dysplasia, a condition that comes with a mix of physical and mental challenges but no clear answers. Undaunted, Kimber dealt with the issues at hand and created a world where her daughter and her whole family could thrive. Kimber shares everything from that very alone feeling of hearing an unexpected diagnosis “when all the ‘what-if’s’ of the world come down upon you,” to how her passion for outdoor adventure and life abroad opened her eyes to a world of possibility. Regardless of how your own child (or a child in your life) struggles, Kimber’s story will give you tears, make you laugh, and leave you uplifted.