Wild Peace for Parents: Stories of Hope & Inspiration Podcast
Wild Peace for Parents: Stories of Hope & Inspiration
Kendra Wilde
Leaning on Faith and Dancing, with Single Mom Gladys Richter - episode of Wild Peace for Parents: Stories of Hope & Inspiration podcast

Leaning on Faith and Dancing, with Single Mom Gladys Richter

26 minutes Posted May 15, 2019 at 10:00 am.
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Show notes

In this episode, Gladys Richter openly shares what her son, who happens to be non-verbal living with autism, has taught her about the beauty of human connection, hard work, and faith. Gladys is a single mother of two boys who moved to the U.S. mainland from Puerto Rico. When her son Gaby was first diagnosed, she thought he had a disease. As she began to adjust to life turned upside down, she discovered he had deep and majestic lessons to offer. Today, Gladys is working to educate others in her community about autism to empower parents and diminish stigma.


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