In this episode, we are joined once again by Kim, aka Sober In Vegas. Kim is an artist, writer, mom, and nature lover who shares her love of Las Vegas through her website and social media. Kim joins us to talk about a safe and friendly re-entry into our community during this phase of the pandemic. We talk about things to explore that are low-risk for COVID, sober-friendly, and family-friendly. As a reminder, we aren’t doctors or public health professionals, so please do consult your doctor to understand your risk for exposure to COVID. If you would like to get vaccinated, visit: https://www.immunizenevada.org/nv-covid-fighter Visit the Sober in Vegas blog at, https://soberinvegas.com/ You can also follow on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soberinvegas Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sober_in_vegas We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists, and community-driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Jul 26, 2021
49 min

In this episode, we are joined by members from a new local non-profit organization, The Pride Tree: Grant Frailich, Founder; Angelique Burton, Director of Advocacy; and Emma, youth participant. The Pride Tree’s mission is to create safe environments where LGBTQ+ youth and allies can explore their own identity. We strive to create events and programming where all people have the freedom to be whoever they want and to express their own identity openly and without fear. To learn more about The Pride Tree, visit https://www.thepridetreelv.com/ You can also follow them on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThePrideTree Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepridetree/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pride_tree_lv To get involved, contact them at: https://www.thepridetreelv.com/contact-us.html We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists, and community-driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
May 27, 2021
41 min

Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists, and community-driven artists trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved.Like many, our team has been dealing with family changes, work transitions, and general pandemic fatigue. We are back from our needed break to bring you the information you need to get involved and enjoy our community.In this episode, we revisit our talk about one of our favorite things about Nevada...NATURE! We've added in some sounds from the last pre-pandemic camping trip Alison, B & Jacob went on. We also break down some of the obstacles and barriers for community members that would like to enjoy our natural surroundings, but may not be sure how to start. Getting outside is easy, but it can be intimidating. We provide tips, resources, and our personal stories that will leave you asking the same question that our Co-Wrangler Alison does, “Is this Nature?”.For more information about the wonderful outdoor world in and around Southern Nevada, check out:Friends of Red Rock: https://friendsredrock.org/hiking/Bird & Hike: https://www.birdandhike.com/REI Las Vegas: https://www.rei.com/stores/las-vegas-boca-park.htmlNevada State Parks: http://parks.nv.gov/Get Outdoors Nevada: https://getoutdoorsnevada.org/UNLV Outdoor Adventures: https://www.unlv.edu/campusrec/outdoor-adventures
May 5, 2021
39 min

In the latest episode (and our first all-Razorback episode), we are joined by Kerry Durmick, the Nevada Director for All Voting is Local. Kerry talks about how we can help protect and expand the right to vote for every Nevadan. We talk about legislation in Nevada to help expand access and ease for voting...we also talk about BBQ. You know, all the important things! Visit Allvotingislocal.org to sign up for emails and text messages.Visit Civilrights.org to donate to support the work for All Voting is LocalTo participate in the Nevada Legislative session visit https://www.leg.state.nv.us/.You can share your voting experience with All Voting is Local at https://p2a.co/llh17eF Feel free to email Kerry at [email protected] if anyone needs help with the legislative website.We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Mar 12, 2021
45 min

In the latest episode, we are joined by Jared Busker, Principal at Busker Consulting and co-lead for the Nevada Revenue Coalition. Jared talks about the need for our state to raise revenue to help fund current programs, as well as expand needed services during the post-shutdown world. One of the biggest hurdles for this current session of the Nevada State Legislature is revenue. There will be many opportunities for regular Nevadans to get involved in the conversation. To follow the conversation on Twitter, follow the hashtag, #NVLEGTo read a bit more about the work of the Nevada Revenu Coalition, visit: https://www.nevadacurrent.com/2020/12/03/not-just-the-usual-suspects-coalition-hopes-to-build-broad-support-for-revenue/ To follow the work of the NRC on Twitter, follow Jared: @jaredbusker We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Feb 24, 2021
42 min

Welcome to Season 4! For the next few months we will be focusing on the Nevada Legislative Session. Our guests for this episode are Branden Cunningham, Community Organizer for the Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty and Jeremy Storms, Defense Attorney and Board Member of Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty. Branden and Jeremy join us to discuss the work to abolish the Death Penalty in Nevada as well as other criminal justice concerns. To learn more about the work of NVCADP visit https://linktr.ee/NVCADPSign the petition to help end the death penalty this legislative session: https://secure.everyaction.com/xmaAHEDi50i-1tv22_n-OA2If you are someone you know has been impacted by the death penalty, please visit to share your story: http://bit.ly/3pyurxMYou can find NV Coalition Against the Death Penalty on social media @nvcadpWe want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Feb 10, 2021
46 min

Welcome to Season 4! We are starting off the season talking about issues addressed in the Legislative Session in Nevada. If there is an issue or topic you want covered, please let us know!We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook or email us at [email protected]. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Feb 10, 2021
3 min

We have reached the end of this landmark year. We get almost the entire band back together for the final episode of season 3. We talk about some of the highs, some of the lows, and what we’ve got cooking for next year. Check out our social media for our end of the year giveaway featuring some work by our friend at https://www.etsy.com/shop/EclecticTurnip We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Dec 23, 2020
1 hr 9 min

We are still in the thick of the pandemic, the government has abandoned us, and the holiday season is here. While there is a lot to be mad about, we wanted to highlight local businesses who could use your support during the holiday season (if you are able). This list was co-created with our listeners. Most of the individuals and businesses also have an online store, so you can stay safe while shopping local. We know this is a tough time. Please make sure to take care of yourself. If celebrating the holidays isn’t going to work for you this year. That is OKAY! GC Records https://www.gcrecords.com/MMCD Music - instrument repairs and custom builds https://www.facebook.com/MMCD-music-102561008206579/11th Street Records http://www.11thstreetrecords.com/Hassan Hamilton (musician)https://hassan1.bandcamp.com/Gaia Flowershttps://www.gaiaflowers.com/Brujas y Agujashttps://www.etsy.com/shop/BrujasyAgujas Local Oasishttps://www.localoasislv.com/ Minimal Markethttps://minimalmarketlv.com/ Farmers Markethttps://www.lasvegasfarmersmarket.com/The Writers Blockhttps://www.thewritersblock.org/ Dragon Castle Bookshttps://www.facebook.com/dragoncastlebooks/ Linen & Lace - wearable arthttps://linenandlacestyle.com/ Mary Felker - Maryonadventureshttps://www.etsy.com/shop/MaryOnAdventures Battle Born Pinshttps://battleborn.shop/ SoberinVegashttps://soberinvegas.com/ Mod Art Minis - modern doll house miniatureshttps://www.instagram.com/mod.art.minis/ This is Brennan - Naturally dyed clothinghttps://thisisbrennan.com/ I adorn U jewelryhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/iadornu Purhome Cleaning Products https://shoppurhome.com/ RockSugar Custom Cakes & morehttps://www.rock-sugar.com/flavors Bleu Moon Bakeryhttps://www.bleumoonbakery.com/Every Grainhttps://www.eateverygrain.com/home Illumilatte Brew Society https://www.facebook.com/illumilattelv/ Tenaya Creek Breweryhttps://www.tenayacreek.com/ We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Dec 9, 2020
34 min

The 2020 Election is over (well, mostly). We revel in some of the victories, and wallow in some of the defeats. It is a bunch of feelings all wrapped up into a conveniently delivered podcast. During this time we need to stay vigilant and keep working with our neighbors and friends and keep moving forward. So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo https://bit.ly/2HiCwWF We want to hear from you! Please find us on Twitter and Instagram @wildandfreepod and on Facebook. Tell us your thoughts, rants, or food and beverage recommendations. You can listen to all of our episodes on our website www.wildandfreepodcast.com.Make sure to subscribe to Wild and Free: A Battle Born Podcast http://www.wildandfreepodcast.com/podcast?format=rss and to give us a rating wherever you happen to listen to the podcast.Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved. If you have something you would like to spread the word about, please contact us!
Nov 20, 2020
50 min
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