In this episode we talk about activating your faith through your authority and dominion. We share biblical inspired scripture on how we pioneer our miracles through Faith ….
Sep 28, 2022
21 min

You shall decree a thing and it shall be established..... God has given us the authority to change and alter the course and the outcomes of situations in our lives...we have the dominion to effect and affect situations....
Aug 28, 2021
8 min

God wants to do so much in our lives that is in accordance to His will for us. However, we need to first remove the things that are in us that are not of God so that we can make room for him to display his mysterious power in us.
Mar 27, 2021
6 min

This episode discusses ther power of dreams through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. If you've ever wondered how you know God speaks through dreams then this episode is for you. Remember family, that you will able to recognize the voice of God the more you spend time with Him.
Aug 27, 2020
15 min

We often listen to people talk about how they hear from God and we wonder how this actually happens.... is it a loud sound, is it a big manly voice etc. Well in this episode I share my personal encounter of how God speaks to me and how I hear his voice contrary to hearing my own thoughts or mind. God didn't die for us not to speak to us , we just need to spend time with him and he will reveal himself to us. If you've ever wondered how you can recognize the voice of God, this episode will bless you!!! Enjoy family.
Jun 11, 2020
18 min

I was so Blessed to share this episode with a special guest today -Kelebogile Loate, an anointed and power packed woman of God. Today she speaks to us about the promises of God In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty that we are facing. Who do you say God is during this time? No matter what the situation or circumstance CLING TIGHTLY to the Promises of GOD over your life!
May 1, 2020
1 hr 54 min

With so much noise around us , with so much chaos designed to get us out of Gods presence and alignment we are often in conflict with whether or not God is there, sometimes we wonder if God sees what we are going through, we wonder if he even hears us. The enemy also doesn't make it easy either with his tactics and underhanded conspiracies that are designed to discourage us out of the presence and fellowship with God. Well family there only security we are guaranteed is in Christ, that no matter what the situation we need to stay put and wait on God and in God, we should not be moved by the naysayers or the whispers of the enemy. If you sometimes feel like God is absent in the crucial times of your life then this episode will be your holy nugget.. ..enjoy..
Apr 25, 2020
12 min

In life, we encounter seasons of happiness but sadness is also inevitable. Most of us hope for a constant state of joy but like anything else there is a time and season for everything. So then how do we navigate your way through moments of sadness and those that bring discomfort. Trials are inevitable but the question is how will we manage them when they come, if you've always wondered how to maintain balance and understanding that both happiness and sadness do not last then this podcast is for you!
Apr 13, 2020
11 min

This episode focuses on the story of Lot with specific reference to his wife who disregarded Gods instruction " not to look back" when they were fleeing from Sodom due to the looming destruction. Sometimes God gives us an instruction to move forward but we stay because we are either complacent or in doubt of what the future holds. When God tells you to move, it is because he knows what is about to follow and it may be good for you or inline your destiny. Do you feel trapped and fearful of moving forward even when you know must? Don't be like Lots wife, keep moving ,dont look back! Enjoy the episode
Apr 6, 2020
13 min

This episode shares the story of the Jesus and the Samaritan woman. When the Samaritan woman has an encounter with Jesus, at first she questions the promise the God has just given to her and she focuses more on how this promise will come to fruition. Do you sometimes find that you get frustrated when the promises over God over your life do not manifest and start interrogating the process? Then this message is for you....Stay Blessed.
Apr 3, 2020
6 min
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