What Moves You Podcast
What Moves You
The Art of Coaching (Brett Bartholomew) | 15 - episode of What Moves You podcast

The Art of Coaching (Brett Bartholomew) | 15

38 minutes Posted Jul 6, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
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Brett Bartholomew is a strength, conditioning, and performance coach, best selling author, and globally recognized keynote speaker. His principles have been applied and adopted by world-class athletes, members of the US armed forces, and Fortune 500 CEO's. Join us as we discuss his lessons and application of his techniques. Connect with Brett Bartholomew Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/coach_brettb/ YouTube | www.youtube.com/channel/UChxkPJr4WMhAeQUlOu6ld-w/featured Resource For New Parents | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eWjKx1utfY&t=227s Connect with What Moves You Website | www.therabody.com/whatmovesyou Instagram | instagram.com/therabody    Twitter | twitter.com/therabody