What Had Happened Was: A podcast for Dayton Podcast

What Had Happened Was: A podcast for Dayton

Host Amelia Robinson shares the best tales from the Gem City, Land of Funk and Birthplace of Aviation: Dayton, Ohio. The "What Had Happened Was" podcast was a finalist for the National Association of Broadcasters' 2019 Marconi award in the podcast category.
Patriots or traitors from our backyard? Who are Capitol insurgency suspects Jessica Watkins and Donovan Crowl?
It is only February, but boy has 2021 been a year.  Dayton Daily News crime reporter Parker Perry and investigative reporter Josh Sweigart break down the Miami Valley’s connections to the Capitol invasion with “What Had Happened Was" host Amelia Robinson.  Bar co-owner Jessica Watkins and her friend Donovan Crowl, both Champaign County residents, face federal conspiracy and other charges for allegedly working with an Oath Keepers member and others to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6.  Sweigart and Parker explain what they’ve learned about the pair, their alleged motives, the charges they face and the possible defense strategies.  Were Crowl and Watkins in Washington that day to help as has been claimed?  What may have inspired them? What do Ohio militia members have to say and why do experts consider them a growing threat in this state and beyond? Subscribe to the Dayton Daily News to support local journalism.  ABOUT THE PODCAST “What Had Happened Was” is a podcast for Dayton, powered by Dayton.com. You won’t believe the stories that come from right here. Host Amelia Robinson shares the best tales from the Gem City, Land of Funk and Birthplace of Aviation: Dayton, Ohio. This podcast is brought to you by CoxNext WHERE TO LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE Listen to each show below or get the latest episodes delivered directly to you. Find the What Had Happened Was podcast and subscribe on Apple Podcast (iTunes), Google Play, Stitcher and other services. If you like what you hear, rate this podcast.
Feb 3, 2021
29 min
Special: The Coronavirus Vaccines and What you Need to Know.
Are they safe and how do we know? Are they effective? When will you be able to get it? What Had Happened Was host Amelia Robinson asked a panel of local health and vaccine experts reader questions as part of Dayton Daily News Community Conversations: What You Need to Know About the Vaccines?" She was joined by Jim Bebbington, the newspaper's editor-in-chief, and vaccine reporter Jordan Laird. Panelists were: Dr. Mamle Anim, chief medical officer for Five Rivers Health Centers. Sheryl Harris Wynn, Greene County Public Health accreditation coordinator, planning chief for the pandemic response and vaccination planning team leader. Dr. Robert W. Frenck Jr., professor of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, director of the Gamble Center for Vaccine Research and the immunization program medical director of the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vicky Knisley-Henry, a health educator for Miami County Public Health. Dr. Thomas Hirt, PriMED Centerville Family Practice physician.
Dec 17, 2020
56 min
Dayton murder & mayhem: a bayonet shootout, a murderous Royal Albert and a 10-year-old Mead fed only water and beef tea
The players have changed, but the murder and mystery sounds the same.  “What Had Happened Was” podcast host Amelia Robinson chatted with Woodland Cemetery’s Angie Hoschouer about three of the most shocking cases in Dayton’s history. All are new to the cemetery’s History, Mystery, Murder and Mayhem Tour. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the tours are only virtual or self-guided this year.  Angie explains the fate of Mary “Mamie” Hagerty who was gunned down by a jealous yal Albert “Roy” Fowler on Harshman Street, 10-year-old Eliza "Leila" Mead of the famous Mead family, who died after being fed only water and beef tea, and Officer Thomas J. McFadden, a Civil War veteran killed during a bayonet shootout at a Louisville house party.  In addition to all that, Angie explains the evidence of the Spanish Flu’s famous curve and what it can teach us about today.  Find our more about the History, Mystery, Murder and Mayhem Tour at https://woodlandcemetery.org.
Oct 28, 2020
33 min
Tony Hall on being surround by death, starving for hunger, nasty politics and apologizing for slavery
It is one thing to talk about a cause. It’s is another to starve yourself for it. For the latest “What Had Happened Was” podcast episode, Dayton native Tony Hall, a former U.S. Congressman and the United States Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture, spoke to Amelia Robinson about his hunger strike and ongoing work to end hunger worldwide. The three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee also told stories about his father, former Dayton Mayor Dave Hall, football, the hate he received after asking Congress to apologize for slavery, Mother Teresa, praying with a Republican, the need for unity and the toxic political climate. ABOUT THE PODCAST “What Had Happened Was” is a podcast for Dayton, powered by Dayton.com. You won’t believe the stories that come from right here. Host Amelia Robinson shares the best tales from the Gem City, Land of Funk and Birthplace of Aviation: Dayton, Ohio. This podcast is brought to you by CoxNext WHERE TO LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE Listen to each show below or get the latest episodes delivered directly to you. Find the What Had Happened Was podcast and subscribe on Apple Podcast (iTunes), Google Play, Stitcher and other services. If you like what you hear, rate this podcast.
Oct 12, 2020
42 min
Actress Felicia Chappelle on her famous brother Dave Chappelle, growing up in Yellow Springs and DC, podcasting  and coronavirus
When life is your stage you will find a way to perform.   Actress Felicia Chappelle chatted with “What Had Happened Was” host Amelia Robinson about her brother Dave Chappelle and what his local comedy shows have meant, growing up in Yellow Springs and DC, art, Prince nesting dolls, never being spanked, travel and her new podcast Faces on the Train. Follow her on Instagram: @womenworkwonders.
Sep 15, 2020
37 min
Dayton police Chief Richard Biehl on not having a ‘why,’ tears that wouldn’t stop, yoga and police community relations
Grief does not care if you wear a badge. In the season kickoff of the "What Had Happened Was" podcast, Amelia Robinson chatted with Richard S. Biehl, the chief of Dayton’s police department.   Among other things, they discussed the grief that brought the community together after the Oregon District mass shooting, why “why” is so important to so many, what yoga did for his deep depression, the link between the 2001 Cincinnati riots and protests in Dayton following the death of George Floyd, police reform and  the impact his former interracial relationship had on his career.  The 'What Had Happened Was' podcast is a project of Dayton.com sponsored Dayton Daily News.
Aug 19, 2020
43 min
Tear gas and calls for change: reporters on covering George Floyd protest in Dayton
Times they are a-changin’. “What Had Happened Was” podcast host Amelia Robinson sat down virtually with Dayton Daily News reporters Sarah Franks and Cory Frolik. As part of this episode, they dive into what happened during protests in Dayton sparked by the slaying of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. The three discuss what they heard, saw and felt on the frontline of the protests and what it might mean to police reform in Dayton. This episode contains audio recorded during Dayton protests that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
Jun 19, 2020
36 min
George Floyd killing sparks 'courageous, often intense conversation about race and police in Dayton
Some conversations must be had even if they are uncomfortable. What Had Happened Was podcast host Amelia Robinson moderated the first of Dayton Daily News Courageous Conversations: Relations Between Dayton’s Black Community and Police. The virtual town hall meeting came in the wake of protests here and around the nation following the May 25 police killing of George Floyd, a black man, in Minneapolis. Panelists included: • Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl • Shenise Turner Sloss of Neighborhoods Over Politics, a training and advocacy organization • Rev. Joshua Ward, Omega Baptist Church • Lawrence Burnley, University of Dayton’s vice president for diversity and inclusion • Springboro Police Chief Jeff Kruithoff • Dayton City Commissioner Jeff Mims • Dayton born activist Zakiya Sankara-Jabar of Brightbeam, a nonprofit network of education activists •Marc DeWitt, Sinclair Community College and Community Police Council >> MORE: https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/local-govt--politics/panel-police-relation-problems-reflect-larger-issues/HoeX4vMBpwCiqDDZaOQC1L/
Jun 12, 2020
1 hr 20 min
Rajeev Venkayya, the Dayton-raised doctor who wrote the U.S. strategy against pandemic
A Skyhawk helped develop the national strategy credited with slowing the spread of coronavirus. Dr. Rajeev Venkayya, a 1985 Fairborn High School grad, was the director for biodefense under President George W. Bush. He helped lead a team of doctors and researchers that developed the pandemic response policy that has Americans practicing social distancing today. Venkayya, the principal author of the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, discussed the coronavirus pandemic and the extreme action taken to slow it with “What Had Happened Was” host Amelia Robinson. “The types of things that are being done now are very similar to what we envisioned in 2007, but they go much further than we expected at the time. We did envision at the time that we would have a situation in which everybody in a community was being encouraged to just stay at home. Everybody,” he said. Now the president of the global vaccine business unit for the Japan-based pharmaceutical company Takeda, the physician is championing a global cause that may see plasma used to save the lives of people battling the coronavirus. More information can be found at CoVIg-19PlasmaAlliance.org.
May 11, 2020
21 min
The long way back. Laura A. Bischoff explains how Ohio will reopen from coronavirus and how it will not
Laura Bischoff, the Dayton Daily News’ award-winning Statehouse reporter, has been to nearly every press conference given by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, Ohio Health Director Dr. Amy Acton and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted concerning the coronavirus pandemic. In this special episode of the What Had Happened Was podcast, she explains how the governor plans to reopen the state and how he doesn’t, coronavirus testing, why more Ohioans are at high risk than you may think and why she was booed in the press room.
Apr 28, 2020
19 min
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