Welcome to our 1st Episode, Part 1!!! Where we delve into the first time we ever... Thought we were Old! Let's jump right into the Nitty-Gritty, shall we? (Insert: Many Winkey Emojis Here)Find 'We're Not Dead Yet' on:Instagram: @podcastwerenotdeadyetFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/werenotdeadyet.podcastAnd you can always email us, if you're our age and still use email like we do!podcastwerenotdeadyet.gmail.comA Special Thanks goes out to Kathleen’s family for putting up with her comments
Jan 31, 2023
19 min

So many 1sts! Our First Episode, "The First Time I Ever..." launches February 1st!So... Join Us, won't You?Find 'We're Not Dead Yet' on:Instagram: @podcastwerenotdeadyetFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/werenotdeadyet.podcastAnd you can always email us, if you're our age and still use email like we do!podcastwerenotdeadyet.gmail.comA Special Thanks goes out to Kathleen’s family for putting up with her comments
Jan 15, 2023
52 sec