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Want to create a culture of effective learning and creativity? Of course you do. The real question is... HOW? On this episode Nicola Crawley shares her work on using Compassionate Cultures to create an organisational culture that nurtures true learning and creativity. We also discuss how Nicola's Compassionate Cultures model supports the work of the Education Workforce Council and Welsh Government by building in supervision and reflective practice.
Something for everyone! The principles discussed apply equally to Senior Leaders who are trying to impact the school culture to classroom teachers and learning support assistants who lead the culture of their learning environments.
We hope you find it useful.
Some useful links:
5 Ways to Wellbeing. Information about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing can be found here https://www.mind.org.uk/workplace/mental-health-at-work/taking-care-of-yourself/five-ways-to-wellbeing/
If you need further support the Education Support Network can be found here https://www.educationsupport.org.uk/
Education Workforce Council's best practice guide on Positive Working Relationships can be found here http://www.ewc.wales/site/index.php/en/fitness-to-practise/good-practice-guides.html
A general resource I like to promote to anyone and everyone is a resource aimed at reducing suicide. Really high quality training at https://www.zerosuicidealliance.com/. Amazing way to spend as little as 20 minutes.
Oct 27, 2020
56 min
In episode 5 of the Wellbeing in Schools podcast Nicola Crawley explains the flows of compassion; self to self, self to other and other to self, and the role they play in creating psychologically safe spaces.
A fascinating conversation that examines the benefits of psychologically safe spaces from a range of perspectives; from organisational leadership to classroom practice. Our own sense of self and how our relationships are dependent on trust, authenticity, empathy and shame are all explored within the context of our professional practice.
Useful links:
1. For more information about Brenee Brown and her work on shame visit https://brenebrown.com/.
2. For more information on where it fits within the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice read the Education Workforce Council's 'Good practice guide to positive working relationships', available to download here https://www.ewc.wales/site/index.php/en/ewc-news/1454-positive-working-relationships-good-practice-guide-published.html.
3. A script for a '5 minute 'me' space':
Focus on a quiet mind
Hold the thought: “Here I am”
Think about my breathing
Allow my breath to reach my heart
What ripples am I making today?
What are my needs today?
What are others needing from me?
What is going well for me? Andy Bradley-Compassion circles
Links to support individual wellbeing:
Jul 8, 2020
58 min
In Episode 4 of the Wellbeing in Schools podcast Sam Miller talks to Ceri Jones, Manager of the Torfaen Young People's Counselling Service, about how best to respond to distress. Whilst the advice is universally applicable to distress, the conversation focuses on the specific context of pupils returning to school for the first time following lockdown.
Useful links and websites:
YoungMinds report on the impact of coronavirus on youth mental health:
Oxford University CO-SPACE study:
Jun 27, 2020
39 min
In this episode Sam Miller and Nicola Crawley discuss the possible implications of coronavirus on the mental health of children and young people and consider how schools may respond.
Useful links:
Jun 22, 2020
43 min
In this episode Sam Miller talks to Ceri Jones, Manager of the Torfaen Young People's Counselling Service about staff wellbeing and supervision in the context of Covid-19 and the planned 'reopening' of schools on June 29th. Particularly relevant given the explicit reference to staff wellbeing in the Welsh Government's operational guidance to schools which states:
'COVID-19 makes it more important than ever that we acknowledge the need to provide a reflective space for staff to deal with and process the often stressful, uncomfortable and sometimes painful experiences of working with children, young people, their families and the systems around them.
When it is not possible to employ a counsellor for this specific purpose, leaders in good schools provide opportunities for staff to discuss issues with them or their colleagues. Sharing experiences and discussing their feelings and emotions can identify areas where additional support is needed, and is a valuable exercise in itself for helping people support their own well-being.
Local authorities should work with schools and settings to provide support to staff. All parts of the system should work together to ensure that staff’s well-being is supported both directly and indirectly (such as managing messaging, avoiding duplication of work and avoiding unnecessary demands on staff)'.
(Keeping Education Safe: Operational guidance for schools, https://gov.wales/keep-education-safe-operational-guidance-schools-and-settings-covid-19).
Listeners may also be interested in:
Contact details for Ceri Jones can be found at https://www.torfaen.gov.uk/en/EducationLearning/SpecialeducationalneedsSEN/Specialist-Support-Services/Schools-Counselling-Service.aspx
Thanks for listening!
Jun 12, 2020
36 min
Welcome to the podcast. About the hosts:
Sam Miller
Sam is a pastoral middle leader in a secondary school with a special interest in wellbeing. He has over 10 years experience as a middle leader and has been both a Head of Department and a Head of Year.
Nicola Crawley
Nicola is a mental health professional with many years experience in a wide variety of roles. Her current role as a Mental Health In Reach to Schools practitioner involves supporting schools in developing wellbeing practices.
The aim of the podcast is to provide some informal CPD by discussing a particular topic and then providing a small number of suggested practices for listeners to apply or try out in their professional practice.
Episode 1 is an introduction to the podcast, wellbeing and the potential impact of COVID-19.
Links to increased prevalence of eating disorders:
.Mind's 5 ways to wellbeing:
We hope you enjoy the podcast and find it useful. New episodes coming soon...
Jun 11, 2020
26 min