Welcome to the world of Athalos Podcast

Welcome to the world of Athalos

In this podcast, we tell you more about the world of Athalos and the issues in life that Martijn van der Ven, CEO and Founder of Athalos, experienced and inspired him to build Athalos. Here we also share many ideas and thoughts of how to connect and empower people all over the world and create win win situations in global communications. Would you like to know more about Athalos? Then visit www.athalos.com. Also check out athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and make a connection on LinkedIn with Martijn van der Ven.
Sustainability Trends in 2020 Zubair Anwar-Bawany with Linda van Beek UNGC Netherlands
Linda van Beek talks with Zubair Anwar-Bawany about what Sustainability trends are likely to shape 2022. Linda shares her insights on how food, fashion, and lifestyle products & ESG Investments will be the top trends in the year ahead.
Nov 29, 2021
22 min
COP26 and what next Zubair Anwar-Bawany with Marco Swan UNGC Netherlands
Marco Swan tells us about his takeaways from COP26 and what we now need to be doing to address Climate Action as we journey into 2022.
Nov 29, 2021
17 min
In Conversation on the Road to 2030. Setting the SDGs roadmap.
Join us while Zubair Anwar-Bawany has a conversation with Linda van Beek, the Executive Director of the Global Compact Netherlands and Martijn van der Ven, CEO and Founder of Athalos about setting the Sustainable Development Goals roadmap to 2030. Would you like to know more about Athalos? Then visit www.athalos.com. Also check out athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and make a connection on LinkedIn with Martijn van der Ven, Founder and CEO of Athalos.
May 21, 2021
25 min
Global Ambassador Program podcast with Cecilia Lui
Join us while Zubair Anwar-Bawany has a conversation with our Global Ambassador Cecilia Lui. Would you like to know more about Athalos? Then visit www.athalos.com. Also check out athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and make a connection on LinkedIn with Martijn van der Ven, Founder and CEO of Athalos.
Apr 2, 2021
27 min
Global Ambassador Program podcast with Hayet Shahrezay
Join us while Zubair Anwar-Bawany has a conversation with our Global Ambassador Hayet Shahrezay. Would you like to know more about Athalos? Then visit www.athalos.com. Also check out athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and make a connection on LinkedIn with Martijn van der Ven, Founder and CEO of Athalos.
Mar 12, 2021
16 min
Global Ambassador Program podcast with Ehsun Gul
Join us while Zubair Anwar-Bawany has a conversation with our Global Ambassador Ehsun Gul. Would you like to know more about Athalos? Then visit www.athalos.com. Also check out athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and make a connection on LinkedIn with Martijn van der Ven, Founder and CEO of Athalos.
Mar 12, 2021
22 min
Global Ambassador Program podcast with Sarah Cottee
Join us while Zubair Anwar-Bawany has a conversation with our Global Ambassador Sarah Cottee. Would you like to know more about Athalos? Then visit www.athalos.com. Also check out athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and make a connection on LinkedIn with Martijn van der Ven, Founder and CEO of Athalos.
Mar 12, 2021
20 min
UN Global Compact Accelerator Program
Join us while Martijn and Zubair have a conversation about the new UN Global Compact Accelerator Program. Would you like to know more about Athalos? Then visit www.athalos.com. Also check out athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and make a connection on LinkedIn with Martijn van der Ven, Founder and CEO of Athalos.
Feb 12, 2021
22 min
What can we do to reach the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
Acting on the Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, becomes more and more important for companies and organizations worldwide. In this episode, Zubair, Martijn and Céline talk about what we can do today in order to reach the SGDs. What has Athalos done so far, related to this topic? Martijn also gives a short introduction of the Athalos Foundation. The aim is to make the world a better place by offering global access. In this way, people can easily communicate around the world and stay connected with each other. Furthermore, Martijn has lots of futuristic insights to share which can be of great value for all of us around the globe. Do you feel connected? Visit athalos.com and athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Jan 22, 2021
19 min
How to attract donors on a global scale.
What is the importance of voice-related services for charities and NGOs? Voice services allow us to humanize the digital world and that can be of great value to charities and NGOs. In this episode, Zubair and Martijn talk about attracting donors on a global scale. One of Athalos' ambitions, is to humanize the digital world with voice. Voice services allow us to easily stay connected on a global scale, on a personal level. Martijn and Zubair discuss how these voice services can add value to charities and NGOs. In addition, they discuss how charities and NGOs can easily attract global donors to reach a larger audience. At the end of the podcast, they discuss the future of reaching a target audience. Do you feel connected? Visit athalos.com and athalos.world, look at our journey and join us. Subscribe to this podcast and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Jan 15, 2021
20 min
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