Welcome To The Global Village Podcast

Welcome To The Global Village

Franz Nahrada
Is it really possible that in all the complex developments of our time, in all the social, technical, political and cultural turbulence and change, in the increasing tensions between states and interest groups, that there is still a concrete and consistent vision of a positive future? The series says "yes" and shows the elements of this future.
Centralising industrialisation leads to its opposite: decentralising  automation and biomorphic technologies, which have not only been copied  from nature at breathtaking speed, but which can also teach us to more  deeply understand and respect the complex interplay and self-control of  natural processes.  Even if these techniques are still in the service of a neo-feudal economic oligarchy today - electricity, electronics, the internet and its  potentials for free exchange of knowledge could be combined with  photovoltaics, sensor technology, permaculture, aquaponics, plant  chemistry, fabricators and a hundred other building blocks to form a new  system of regenerative cycles: our living space can become organic and  self-producing like a plant.  Consequently, we are now experiencing a new drop-out movement that no  longer ends in withdrawal and isolation, but rather addresses the  question of how sustainable and  crisis-proof living spaces could be (re)created that win the  competition for the hearts and brains of city-dwelling people.   These "Global Villages" or at least their building blocks are emerging  before our eyes - and some already conceive of themselves as germ cells  of a currently planetary regeneration. The old and the new are entering  into many interesting syntheses, some of which will be shown in this  series of programmes.
Mar 18, 2021
27 sec