WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business Podcast

WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business

Robert J. Safuto
In this podiobook: Every one of us is engaged in a quest in this life. The quest is why we get up early in the mornings or very late at night and leave the safety of our homes and families. We venture out into a world where the rules are different then the rules we grew up with. We find that the rules are different than the ones we were taught in school. We get into our cars. We hail taxi cabs. We walk in the rain. We take trains and buses. We navigate security lines at crowded airports. In short, we make the necessary sacrifices to insure that we can not only survive but thrive in this life. We do what needs to be done because we want more out of this life.During this quest have you ever felt like you needed to step back and get a clear view of the situation? Have you ever felt overwhelmed, lost or unsatisfied with your progress?Welcome to the beehive.Let's face facts. Higher education only covers a small portion of what a person needs to know in order to excel in the world of business. The rest is up to you. The author, like most people, learned this fact the hard way. Through this book, the author shares with you the most basic (and most critical) lessons he's learned since entering the beehive.Welcome to the Beehive addresses the core of the lessons the author has learned while achieving success in his life. These lessons represent a starting point on which to build your entire business philosophy. Each lesson includes practical examples from the author's life and the lives of people who've achieved success in business. Inspirational passages amplify the message delivered with each lesson. All the lessons contain exercises designed to stimulate personal thought and help reinforce the topics covered in the book. Welcome to the Beehive is a street level business book providing the reader with a back-to-basics approach. It gets to the point and provides the reader with a solid tool that they can refer to time and again for inspiration and empowerment while making their way in the world of business.
12. Afterword - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: Some parting thoughts on the book and the journey.
Aug 12, 2005
1 min
11. Lesson Ten: Believe In Yourself - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: The most important and seemingly simplest concept in Welcome to the Beehive. Even if you have all of the above lessons down, you can't find your own success without believe. This lesson teaches you how to assess your level of belief, as well as teach
Aug 11, 2005
32 min
10. Lesson Nine: The Power Of Anticipation - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: In business, change is the only constant and you have to be ready to deal with it. People and organizations who fail to address change are doomed. Having the power of anticipation means that you know how to deal with change before it affects your bus
Aug 10, 2005
27 min
9. Lesson Eight: Never Stop Learning - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: Do you think you're done with learning? You're never done. The best business people are constantly seeking out new ways to get information that will provide them with an edge. This lesson teaches you the importance of learning and provides the inform
Aug 9, 2005
25 min
8. Lesson Seven: Constantly Evaluate - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: How do you know where you're going if you don't know where you are? Smart business people learn to evaluate regularly in order to make sure they are on course for success. Learn how to constantly evaluate your situation and you can learn to keep your
Aug 8, 2005
18 min
7. Lesson Six: Leverage The Power Of A Team - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: So many business people try to do it all themselves. No matter what your profession you will need assistance in order to allow you to focus on what you do best. This lesson teaches you the importance of leveraging a team, how to recognize where you n
Aug 7, 2005
19 min
6. Lesson Five: You Gotta Have Heart - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: In business, as in life, the road can get pretty rough. Sometimes it's easy to get down about these tough times. People who are conquering the beehive know that you need the heart to push on even in the toughest times. After all, a bright sunny day i
Aug 6, 2005
23 min
5. Lesson Four: Sell, Sell, Sell - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: Everyone of us is a salesperson whether we know it or not. Your ability to sell yourself, your ideas, your services or anything else will make the difference between being able to call the shots or having to take orders. Learn how to sell and you'll
Aug 5, 2005
20 min
4. Lesson Three: Make Mistakes And Learn From Them - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: Mistakes are a big part of life. In fact we usually learn more when we make a mistake then when we do something perfectly. This lesson teaches you how to gain value from your mistakes while still moving toward your goals in business.
Aug 4, 2005
17 min
3. Lesson Two: Be Tough - WELCOME TO THE BEEHIVE: A beginners guide to conquering the world of business
-In this episode: Every day presents a new challenge when you're in the beehive. You'll face grizzled veterans of the business world who have thick skins and little regard for your standing. Learn how to step up and be counted even in the face of more agressive and mo
Aug 3, 2005
23 min
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