Welcome To Channeling Podcast

Welcome To Channeling

Gwen Juvenal/Hot Muffin Media
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Welcome to "Welcome To Channeling," a captivating podcast that takes you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and expansion. Join Gwen Juvenal and her guides as they explore the multidimensional realms of channeling and uncover its profound meaning in our lives. Delving beyond mere communication, channeling encompasses connecting with higher realms, accessing inner wisdom, and unlocking our infinite potential. Through insightful interviews with experts, spiritual practitioners, and those who have experienced the power of channeling, this podcast opens the gateway to a larger world waiting to be explored. Step beyond the mundane and embrace a dynamic new version of yourself. "Soul Play" guides our navigation through this extraordinary adventure, recognizing channeling as a playful dance of the soul. Engage with the universe in a joyous exploration of your true nature, and discover the transformative magic that awaits through the episodes of "Welcome To Channeling. "Guides play an integral role in this podcast, akin to a garden nurturing its plants. Our Guides in the Garden offer wisdom, guidance, and inspiration, creating a supportive space for embracing channeling and expanding our understanding of the world around us. "The Way of All" beckons us to embark on an awe-inspiring quest, revealing the interconnectedness of all things. By embracing channeling, we tap into universal wisdom and align ourselves with the grand tapestry of existence. Join us on this thrilling adventure as we journey along "The Way of All," exploring the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. "Welcome To Channeling" is your passport to a vibrant and expansive world where authenticity thrives, hidden potentials are unearthed, and profound wisdom awaits. Embark on an adventure of self-discovery, exploration, and transformation. Unlock the secrets of channeling and step into a new paradigm of existence. Are you ready to embrace a dynamic new version of yourself? Tune in to "Welcome To Channeling" and embark on this extraordinary journey today.Produced through Hot Muffin Media
Channeling the World Within: Exploring the Practice of "In My World"
Welcome to episode 5 of "Welcome to Channeling," where host Gwen Juvenal takes us on an insightful journey into the practice called "In My World." In this episode, Gwen revisits the powerful tool she introduced in a previous episode and shares the basics of this transformative practice. As a backdrop, Gwen begins by reminding us of the concept of channeling, the practice of receiving information or energy from a source beyond the physical world, often associated with spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. Channeling involves becoming a conduit for this information or energy to flow through, whether in the form of insights, inspiration, or guidance. Gwen delves into her personal experience with "In My World," a practice that came to her during a period of intense meditation three years ago. She describes how it helped her open up, embrace channeling in her life, and step into her power without fear. The core essence of channeling is using form and tuning in to what we want to create, becoming the space where manifestation can occur. The practice of "In My World" is a powerful tool to create a new matrix from which we can live and experience life. Gwen shares how it allows us to cultivate the qualities and experiences we desire, filling us with joy, compassion, love, and more. By focusing on the phrase "In My World," individuals can consciously direct their energy and manifest positive changes in their lives. Throughout the episode, Gwen provides examples of how "In My World" can be applied in various situations, be it in daily activities, relationships, business, or spirituality. She encourages listeners to be present with themselves, delve deep into their desires, and be honest about their intentions. Listeners are invited to participate in an interactive experience, where Gwen guides them to speak their own unique "In My World" statements, infusing them with the essence of their desired qualities. She emphasizes that this practice is a form of meditation and revelation, allowing individuals to align themselves with their true nature and embrace their creative power. As the episode comes to a close, Gwen shares a personal story of how she recently applied "In My World" during a walk and experienced its magical effects in her interactions with others. She invites listeners to continue exploring this practice in their lives and acknowledges that, by doing so, they are owning their role as channels of positive change and empowerment. Join Gwen Juvenal on this illuminating episode of "Welcome to Channeling" as she empowers listeners to harness their inner creativity and transform their lives through the practice of "In My World."   #ChannelingWithin #InMyWorldPractice #SoulPlayJourney #ExploreYourEssence #ManifestYourDesires #ChannelingMagic #OwnYourChanneling #WelcomeToChanneling #SpiritualAwakening #MetaphysicalBeliefs #CreateYourReality #EmbraceYourQualities #MindfulnessInLife #WelcomeToChanneling #GwenJuvenal Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
Jul 23, 2023
36 min
Breaking Free: Exploring Shadow Work and the Unified Masculine and Feminine with Ra’Kaia Mitchell
In Episode 4 of "Welcome to Channeling," Gwen Juvenal embarks on a profound journey of shadow work with the inspiring somatic tantric coach, Ra’Kaia Mitchell. Ra’Kaia fearlessly guides Gwen through a process of self-discovery, shedding light on the transformative power of reclaiming suppressed desires and emotions. Ra’Kaia Mitchell, a certified sex and intimacy coach with a background in Tantra, Yoga, and Daoism, courageously discusses her journey of embracing her true self despite societal taboos. She emphasizes the importance of shedding conditioned imprints about pleasure, sexuality, and relationships to reclaim our inherent wholeness. Gwen candidly shares her experiences, delving into early childhood memories and the pain she buried deep within herself, particularly around aspects of her sexuality. With Rakaya's compassionate support, Gwen fearlessly confronts her fears of expressing her true desires and the feeling of not belonging, leading to a powerful emotional release. Through vulnerability and spontaneity, they delve into the exploration of the inner masculine and feminine energies, uncovering the beauty of soul play. This episode offers a moving example of how shadow work can lead to profound shifts within one's body, soul, and overall experience. Ra’Kaia 's ability to create a safe and nurturing space for inner exploration showcases the potential for healing and transformation in the journey towards authenticity and self-acceptance.Ra'Kaia Mitchell can be found at www.sacredfirementoring.com #ShadowWork #SomaticTantricCoach #SacredSexuality #InnerChildHealing #Authenticity #EmotionalRelease #SoulPlayPodcast #InnerHealingJourney #BalancingEnergies #DivineUnionWithin #ShadowWorkMagic #ReclaimYourEssence #VulnerabilityAndSpontaneity #EmbraceYourDesires #LiberateYourself #InnerChildRediscovery #DeepSoulIntegration #TransformationalJourney #Ra’KaiaMitchellSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
Jul 22, 2023
56 min
Unraveling Definition Ties: Creating Our New World
In episode 3 of the podcast "Welcome to Channeling," host Gwen Juvenal delves into the concept of "Definition Ties" and their impact on how we perceive and create our realities. Drawing insights from her book "Our New Story: Guides in the Garden Volume One," Gwen explores how our past experiences and beliefs shape our understanding of the world. Through a heartfelt discussion with her twin, Grace, they reveal the power of compassion and understanding as they explore ways to untangle the webs of definition ties.Listeners are invited to participate in a transformative process of self-exploration, where they identify and separate out the core statements that have defined their perceptions. Gwen guides them through an exercise of compassionately embracing these beliefs and experiences to foster healing and renewed perspectives. By recognizing and integrating their emotions, thoughts, and experiences, listeners can step into a new world of empowered self-discovery and creative ability.Join Gwen and Grace as they illuminate the path to freeing oneself from the confines of limited definitions and embracing the expansiveness of a world filled with love, compassion, and endless possibilities. This episode offers a powerful journey of self-awareness and transformation, leaving listeners inspired to reclaim their innate creative potential and create their new reality. #Channeling #Soul Play #Self-Experience #Reality Creation #Compassion #Unraveling #Integration #Soul Journey #Definition Ties #Renewing #Self-Discovery #GuidesInTheGarden #OurNewStorySupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
Jul 20, 2023
38 min
Embracing Silence: Discovering True Intelligence through Open Conscious Awareness
In this episode of "Welcome to Channeling," host Gwen Juvenal explores the power of silence and its transformative effects on our consciousness. With a calming and serene demeanor, Gwen invites listeners to embrace silence and observe its profound impact on their lives.The episode begins with Gwen contemplating what to share next, prompting a reflection on the beauty of silence. She encourages listeners to be present and comfortable with the silence, recognizing that even in the absence of words, there is something to be heard and understood.Gwen addresses the challenge of making her channeling accessible to all, particularly those who may struggle to grasp the messages from her guides. Instead of conforming to traditional norms, she invites her audience to joyfully embrace the silence, trusting that true intelligence will emerge in its own time.Drawing from her personal experiences, Gwen differentiates between intelligence and knowledge, emphasizing the importance of grounding oneself in the body and recognizing the broader energetic aspects of existence. She shares how she found a deeper understanding of true intelligence when her mind opened up, and she allowed consciousness to know itself without the constraints of memorized information.Throughout the episode, Gwen guides listeners in a meditation of self-awareness and encourages them to explore the spaciousness within themselves. She invites them to ask questions and receive answers from consciousness itself, without the need for external validation or preconceived notions.Gwen reminds listeners that they are in a constant state of becoming, free from the pressure to take action or achieve something specific. She highlights the power of simply being in the open space of intelligence and discovering the innate love within themselves.The episode concludes with Gwen extending her heartfelt gratitude to the listeners for sharing this space with her and leaving an open invitation to connect with her in "real life." She encourages her audience to continue exploring channeling, embracing silence, and meeting their true selves.Suggested Hashtags: #EmbraceSilence #TrueIntelligence #OpenConsciousAwareness #MeditationJourney #ChannelingWisdom #DiscoverYourself #MindfulLiving #SpaciousnessWithin #InnerPeace #SelfAwareness #Gratitude #GwenJuvenal #HotMuffinMedia #SoulPlaySupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
Jul 20, 2023
25 min
Unveiling the Path: Exploring Channeling and Embracing the Power Within
During the first episode, Gwen introduces her dear friend, Sandra Smith, aka Sandee Raw, who has extensive experience in channeling. They discuss their personal journeys in channeling, from their initial encounters with the practice to their current exploration. The conversation touches upon topics such as opening oneself to channeling, trusting the process, and the power of group dynamics. They also express their excitement for the future exploration of light language and its potential impact on their lives and the world.At the end of the episode, Gwen shares a raw excerpt from her book, "Our New Story, Guides in the Garden," where she channels a message about truth and its subjective nature. The episode offers insights, personal experiences, and a glimpse into the world of channeling, inviting listeners to join the journey and discover their own path in this transformative practice.#ChannelingPodcast #TransformationJourney #CreativeExpression #SpiritualDiscovery #UnveilingTruth #GwenJuvenal #SoulPlay #HotMuffinMediaSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/welcome-to-channeling/exclusive-content
Jul 8, 2023
37 min