When it comes to crime fiction Dartanya A. Williams sr is a crime fiction mastermind. Each of his works is raw, gritty, and a page-turner. His latest novel to be released is Almasi 2 Queen of the Streets. This is a tale of survival and the ugly underworld of the gang culture. Check out his interview where he drops a lot of knowledge from writing to the gang culture and what parents should be aware of. Be sure to check out his novel, blogs and artwork. Visit his website.
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· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Aug 16, 2020
57 min

Have you ever sacrifice for someone or something? Went hard for a relationship that didn't work. To you it is in vain but what if you learned to do and operate with and in love? Check out my latest episode
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Aug 8, 2020
24 min

Jada, Will and August has folks panties in a bunch over their business. The word Entanglement made folks take a second look at their relationships. Is it really our business? What do they owe us? Check out my views on this.
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jul 12, 2020
24 min

How many of you believe you need to be in with the right folks, relationships and need permission to run your own ish? Today, I talk about being the head chick in charge and you need no one to grant you permission. Be sure to check me out on my website www.tamluvstowrite.com
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jun 29, 2020
20 min

So I never want to be the person that complains about it and not be about it. I am opening up my platform to shout your business, products and services for free. Why? I like seeing people win. Just send a 30 second blurb about your business, book, podcast and service. I want to shout you out. Email me at [email protected]. Check out my website at [email protected].
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jun 27, 2020
12 min

How many times have you been tagged in posts to share and support? You do it and when it comes time for that family member, friend and cousin they never do it. How about buying products, putting change on a fundraiser? Yet, you always support without hesitation. How many had to digest the excuses of it is not in my niche,market or worse yet make a public scene about your feelings to make your right wrong? Time to change the rules and stop feeling guilty about your feelings. Check out my latest podcast.
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jun 27, 2020
23 min

Are you still talking about ex or your enemies? Are you dwelling on toxic relationships versus the good that has happen in your life? It is time to let the bull and ish go. It is holding you back from manifesting the things you want. Today we will talk about how unfair you are to you.
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jun 22, 2020
21 min

I've allowed many to write the definition of me. I also know there are so many women like myself who feared their past, hated being the underdog, never getting the recognition they deserve. So we follow others. Deny our journey. Here is how I crack opened the definition of myself, reconnected and vowed to change just one life.
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jun 8, 2020
23 min

Did you know that sometimes you can be Beautifully Broke? Change comes when you least expect it. Have you ever allowed people and your opinion of yourself put you on pause? Today, I share my experience of being beautifully broken and changed. Be sure to visit me at www.tamluvstowrite.com.
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jun 6, 2020
15 min

Do people interrupt you? Have you ever let people slide by violating your time, or doing something you ask them? Me too, we all have done it now is the time to break bad habits and set the boundaries to your life.
This episode is sponsored by
· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Jun 3, 2020
24 min
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