Weight Release Revolution Podcast

Weight Release Revolution

Bron Martin | Hypnotic Weight Whisperer
Weight Release Revolution is all about shunning toxic diet culture, learning how to love your body now AND as you release the energetic, emotional, mental and physical weight. Bron Martin, the Hypnotic Weight Whisperer, is a hypnotherapist who specialises in weight release for women. I battled with weight issues and hated my body (and myself) until I was 42. With hypnotherapy, I discovered how to create new stories that lead to loving myself and a weight release journey of 27 kilos / 59 pounds. Over the past six years, I've created hypno weight release methods that have worked for thousands of women, in my programs and 1:1 hypnotherapy practice. And now I get to share my expertise and insights with you on this podcast! ----- Check out these resources I made to support you on your weight release journey. >> go.mindkey.com.au/hello <<
#13: Fast Food Freedom
Today's episode dives&nbsp;into the deceptive allure of fast food and how it's&nbsp;meticulously bioengineered to&nbsp;suck us in, by exploiting our biological response to the 'Bliss Point'We cut through the 'but it's cheap,&nbsp;and it's convenient' stories to reveal the REAL cost of having this (fake) food on a regular rotation.And I share with you how aligning your identity&nbsp;with healthier, more conscious REAL FOOD choices, can&nbsp;make a huge&nbsp;difference in your weight release journey. Listen if you've given your power over to the lure of the drive through (and you're ready to take it back!), or if you're simply curious about the world's oldest quarter pounder!&nbsp; Key Points: The addictive design of fast food: The 'Bliss Point.' The societal, environmental, and personal consequences of fast food. The manipulation techniques employed by the fast food industry. Practical and healthier alternatives to fast food. The power of aligning food choices with your identity. Big love,Bron xo --- If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources so check them out here! &gt;&gt;&nbsp;go.mindkey.com.au/hello&nbsp;&lt;&lt; If you're curious about the $7 / mo Slimmers' Hypno Hub membership, and how it can support you to rewire your brain for weight release, INCLUDING how to gain fast food freedom, then you can&nbsp;find out more here.I'm known for my weight release content, but there's a special non-weight hypno released once a week in the very imaginatively titled 'Hypno Of The Week' and&nbsp;you can find the mystery hypno right here, but remember that it's only available for a VERY limited time.&nbsp; You can&nbsp;follow&nbsp;along on Facebook here, You'll&nbsp;find me here on Instagram and you'll find hypno recordings and more over on&nbsp;my YouTube channel here. If you want to get in touch with me directly, then you can DM me on social media or send an email to&nbsp;[email protected] ------ I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a rating&nbsp;or review wherever you're listening to this podcast. It really helps this&nbsp;message reach the people that need to hear it&nbsp;-&nbsp;which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution!I know it's a bit of a faff to leave a rating or review, so send an email over to [email protected] with Podcast Review in the subject line and a screenshot of your review and you'll receive an email back with the hypno of the week for FREEEEEEEEE as a huge and heartfelt thank you gift.------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode (and in most episodes to be fair) so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears.------This is a weight loss podcast, brought to you by Bron Martin, a Weight Loss Hypnotherapist. Except I don't like to say weight loss as it signifies losing something and the brain wants to find it again. But the search engines recognise weight loss more than weight release, so here we are with this little explanation to share why I'm writing weight loss podcast, instead of weight release podcast - brought to you by a Weight Release Hypnotherapist. I create weight loss / release hypnosis recordings and share the power of your subconscious mind to lose / release weight energetically, emotionally AND physically! xo&nbsp;
Aug 1, 2023
30 min
#12: Release Deprivation, with Delay Don't Deny
In this episode I share the concept of Delay, Don't Deny and how I use it in my own life so food doesn't have power and control over me, with it's 'come eat me face' and wheedling "you know you want me" tone from the fridge, pantry OR patisserie.&nbsp;You'll find out different ways to incorporate it into your own life, so you take your power back from food and knock that franken-fetish-food off&nbsp;it's pedestal.&nbsp;Big love,Bron xo ------ If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources so check them out here! &gt;&gt; go.mindkey.com.au/hello &lt;&lt; If you're curious about the $7 / mo Slimmers' Hypno Hub membership, and how it can support you to rewire your brain for weight release, then you can find out more here.I'm known for my weight release content, but there's a special non-weight hypno released once a week in the very imaginatively titled 'Hypno Of The Week' and you can find the mystery hypno right here, but remember that it's only available for a VERY limited time.&nbsp; You can follow&nbsp;along on Facebook here, You'll find me here on Instagram and you'll find hypno recordings and more over on my YouTube channel here. If you want to get in touch with me directly, then you can DM me on social media or send an email to [email protected] ------ I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a rating&nbsp;or review wherever you're listening to this podcast. It really helps this&nbsp;message reach the people that need to hear it&nbsp;-&nbsp;which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution!I know it's a bit of a faff to leave a rating or review, so send an email over to [email protected] with Podcast Review in the subject line and a screenshot of your review and you'll receive an email back with the hypno of the week for FREEEEEEEEE as a huge and heartfelt thank you gift.------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode (and in most episodes to be fair) so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears.------This is a weight loss podcast, brought to you by Bron Martin, a Weight Loss Hypnotherapist. Except I don't like to say weight loss as it signifies losing something and the brain wants to find it again. But the search engines recognise weight loss more than weight release, so here we are with this little explanation to share why I'm writing weight loss podcast, instead of weight release podcast - brought to you by a Weight Release Hypnotherapist. I create weight loss / release hypnosis recordings and share the power of your subconscious mind to lose / release weight energetically, emotionally AND physically! xo&nbsp;
Jul 18, 2023
18 min
#11: Release The Weight Of Weakness
Our brain can do a real number on us, convincing us that we're a bit rubbish. When we bring the loving light of awareness to this, we can start to overcome it. It's not possible to shame ourselves into being better, and when we release the weight that our perceived flaws and weaknesses have over us, it releases us from that simmering shame.In this episode we explore - how to turn our weaknesses into superpowers- how to be ok with who we are, flaws and all- two of the most powerful words to reject a way of thinking- mindset reframes in action ------ If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources so check them out here! &gt;&gt; go.mindkey.com.au/hello &lt;&lt; If you're curious about&nbsp;the $7 / mo Slimmers' Hypno Hub membership, and how it can support you to rewire your brain for weight release, then you can&nbsp;find out more here. You can follow me on Facebook here, You'll find me&nbsp;here on Instagram&nbsp;and&nbsp;you'll find hypno recordings and more over on my YouTube channel here. If you want to get in touch with me directly, then you can DM me on social media or send an email to&nbsp;[email protected] ------I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a rating on Spotify or a review over on the purple Apple podcast app (scroll to the bottom to find the ratings and review section). 5 star reviews tell Apple that this podcast is worth listening to and sharing out to others - which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution. AS A HUGE THANK YOU for faffing about to leave a rating or review, send an email over to [email protected]&nbsp;with Podcast Review in the&nbsp;subject line and you'll receive an email back with the hypno of the month for FREEEEEEEEE!&nbsp; ------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode (and in most episodes to be fair) so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears.&nbsp;
Jul 11, 2023
20 min
#10: The Stress + Weight Connection
In the latest episode of Weight Release Revolution, we explore stress and the effect it has on our bodies, our minds and in our weight release journey.We dive into: - The difference between trauma, stress and anxiety- The types of stress- How to move past stress addiction (it's a thing!)- How to get your control back from your drama queen brain- And how all this relates to you&nbsp;and your body releasing weight!----- If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources&nbsp;so check them out here!&nbsp;&gt;&gt; go.mindkey.com.au/hello &lt;&lt; If you're curious about my $7 / mo Slimmers' Hypno Hub membership, and how it can support you to rewire your brain for weight release, then check it out here.You can follow me on Facebook here and find more hypno recordings on my YouTube channel here.If you want to get in touch with me directly, then you can DM me on social media or send an email to [email protected] I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a review over on the purple Apple podcast app (scroll to the bottom to find the ratings and review section). 5 star reviews tell Apple that this podcast is worth listening to and sharing out to others - which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution. ------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears.
Jul 4, 2023
23 min
#9: You've Got This Hypno Recording
A track record of diet failures can leave us feeling that we don't trust ourselves, or our ability to make the changes that matter.&nbsp;This hypno gives your subconscious mind a pep talk, reminding you that&nbsp;YOU HAVE SO GOT THIS!&nbsp; Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and please, for the love of safety, don't listen to this in the car, while driving a forklift or operating the vacuum cleaner. Give yourself the gift of your own presence.
May 15, 2023
17 min
#8: Diet Brain Break Up Hypno Recording
We all know that diets don't work. Isn't it time you freed yourself from the deprivation and despair of that diet led life? Start now by listening to the powerful 'Diet Brain Breakup' hypnosis recording, to liberate yourself from the tyranny of diets AND release weight. You'll create change WHERE IT COUNTS - in the subconscious mind! Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and please, for the love of safety, don't listen to this in the car, while driving a forklift or operating the vacuum cleaner. Give yourself the gift of your own presence.
May 10, 2023
22 min
#7: The Doomed Pursuit Of Perfection
There's an abundance of dietary advice across the internet, most of it is rubbish. In this episode I talk about why a health advocate who is spruiking the 'perfect way of eating' does more harm than good. Then I go into detail about how perfectly imperfect I am, and&nbsp;what it really means to have a slim mindset. I also share a sugar free food, that is delish, but does come with slightly unfortunate side effects for some. ------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears. I also talk about farting so if that grosses you out, you have been warned. ------ If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources: DOWNLOAD: the free Diet Brain Break Up hypno WATCH: the Weight Release Breakthrough Workshop CHECK OUT: hypnos on&nbsp;Bron's YouTube channel LISTEN: to the Beyond Bariatrics podcast BUY: the $37 Overcome Emotional Eating program FOLLOW: Bron&nbsp;on Facebook If you want to get in touch with&nbsp;me directly, then you can DM&nbsp;me on social media or send an email to&nbsp;[email protected] Big love,Bron xo
Nov 1, 2022
17 min
#6: What's Your BMI Though?
If you've ever been to the Doctor, and they've worked out your BMI and you've left with a heavy heart and a label on your body THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU!&nbsp; We're going to dive into: - Why I call the BMI - the Bullshit Measurement Indicator - How to advocate for yourself with a health professional, who is focused more on your weight than the reason you're there in the first place. -&nbsp;A delicious and nutritious snack, which I've been loving even before it went supermarket mainstream. #thathipsterlife -&nbsp;One of the crazier weight loss snake oil products that keeps popping up in my Facebook feed. ------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears. ------ If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources: DOWNLOAD: the free Diet Brain Break Up hypno WATCH: the Weight Release Breakthrough Workshop CHECK OUT: hypnos on&nbsp;Bron's YouTube channel LISTEN: to the Beyond Bariatrics podcast BUY: the $37 Overcome Emotional Eating program FOLLOW: Bron&nbsp;on Facebook If you want to get in touch with&nbsp;me directly, then you can DM&nbsp;me on social media or send an email to&nbsp;[email protected] ------ I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a review over on the&nbsp;purple Apple podcast app&nbsp;(scroll to the bottom of the app to find the ratings and review section). 5 star reviews tell Apple that this podcast is worth listening to and sharing out to others - which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution.In exchange for your review, I'd like to show you my appreciation by gifting you a free hypno recording that has never been released anywhere else.&nbsp;It's a beautiful hypno that makes you feel fabulous! Just take a screenshot of&nbsp;your&nbsp;review and email it over to&nbsp;[email protected]&nbsp;and my team will send you the hypno to download and keep forever.&nbsp;Big love,Bron xo &nbsp;
Sep 20, 2022
26 min
#5: Weight Release Saboteurs
&nbsp; You know when you're shining your halo in the morning because you made yourself a salad for lunch, but you're left wondering what went wrong in the evening, as you're lying on the couch covered in crumbs... yeah, that's when our saboteur steps in and takes over, scuppering any progress we make. In the latest episode of Weight Release Revolution, I share the five weight release sabotaging parts of your personality. When I've shared this information before people are astounded at how well it sums it up for them! We also explore: - What&nbsp;our unmet needs are&nbsp;and how we turn to food to fill that need. - What do to when that sabotaging part of your personality is in the driver's seat, steering you off course. - How to take your power back over food that calls your name from the fridge / pantry / freezer. EAT MEEEEEEEE! - The latest diet fad that's having a popular moment. Just because Dr's are doling it out, it doesn't mean it's a legit (or effective) long term solution. ------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears. ------ If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources: DOWNLOAD: the free Diet Brain Break Up hypno WATCH: the Weight Release Breakthrough Workshop CHECK OUT: hypnos on&nbsp;Bron's YouTube channel LISTEN: to the Beyond Bariatrics podcast BUY: the $37 Overcome Emotional Eating program FOLLOW: Bron&nbsp;on Facebook If you want to get in touch with&nbsp;me directly, then you can DM&nbsp;me on social media or send an email to [email protected] ------ I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a review over on the purple Apple podcast app (scroll to the bottom to find the ratings and review section). 5 star reviews tell Apple that this podcast is worth listening to and sharing out to others - which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution.In exchange for your review, I'd like to show you my appreciation by gifting you a free hypno recording that has never been released anywhere else. It's a beautiful hypno that makes you feel fabulous! Just take a screenshot of&nbsp;your&nbsp;review and email it over to [email protected]&nbsp;and my team will send you the hypno to download and keep forever.&nbsp;Big love,Bron xo &nbsp;
Sep 8, 2022
33 min
#4: From Body Loathing To Body Love
In the latest episode of Weight Release Revolution,&nbsp;I&nbsp;share with you the steps I took to finally stop loathing myself and my body. From not being able to look at myself in the mirror, to dancing naked in front of it, giving myself a little wink and saying "I'd tap that" is&nbsp;quite a life upgrade.Everyone deserves that feeling and we don't have to wait until we're the perfect weight, size and shape (for us) to have it.We also explore: -&nbsp;How to move away from&nbsp;critical thoughts and comments about your body and into looking at yourself in the mirror and loving what you see.&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp;Why loving your&nbsp;body changes EVERYTHING! -&nbsp;How to move past what other people have said about your body, and&nbsp;a cruel body comment my ex-husband said to me. - Fibre (or fiber for you guys in the US) - is it a magical, miracle, 'weight loss' cure-all, as touted by an 'influencer'&nbsp;dietician?&nbsp; - How a plant, usually associated with yoga, is also a delicious snack.&nbsp; ------ If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources - from a free 'Diet Brain BreakUp' hypno recording, a workshop that shows you the sabotaging personality types which ruin your weight release, and fabulous weight release / self love programs to suit most budgets. Check out the resources here: &gt;&gt;&nbsp;go.mindkey.com.au/hello&nbsp;&lt;&lt; You can follow me on&nbsp;Facebook here&nbsp;and find more hypno recordings on my&nbsp;YouTube channel&nbsp;here - including the 8 hour, overnight, self love hypnosis recording that I discussed in this episode. If you want to get in touch with me directly, then you can DM me on social media or send an email to&nbsp;[email protected] I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a review over on the&nbsp;purple Apple podcast app&nbsp;(scroll to the bottom to find the ratings and review section). 5 star reviews tell Apple that this podcast is worth listening to and sharing out to others - which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution. ------ WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears.
Sep 3, 2022
28 min
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