Wear The Damn Pants Podcast

Wear The Damn Pants

Shauna Spendlove
Does your life suck?.... Your self-image is based on other's ideas about what is right. Beliefs about your abilities, appearance and personality create your reality, including the "problems." Life doesn't have to suck! Stop the self-sabotage. No more people-pleasing. Stop hiding your true self. When you find those pants the REAL YOU loves....WEAR THE DAMN PANTS!
13: Is Your Self-Image Built On Other People
How can you know if your self-image is built on other people... their opinion about you, the way they respond to you, the things they do.  How much does that affect you? In this episode I share my own self-image issues and how to recognize yours. Then, once we've become aware... what do we do?  If you want help with this work schedule a call with me! Your first one is free!  https://schedulewithshauna.as.me/Freecall I'm glad you're here!  Wear The Damn Pants!  xo Shauna
Dec 15, 2022
16 min
12: Alcoholic Relationships with Deanna Marie/Life Coach
Relationships are tricky. Deanna shares her experience being married to an alcoholic and the decisions she made to break free and believe in herself again. No matter what you struggle with in your own relationship her words will resonate with you and give you opportunity to have more power in your life. If you want to contact Deanna all of her information is below. Thank you for listening my friends! xo Shauna Deanna Marie | Coach for Women in Alcoholic Relationships I help women who love an alcoholic understand what they need to break free from this relationship so they can feel happier without fear or regret. Consult: www.deannamarie.as.me/freeconsult Website: deannamarielifecoaching.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/deannamariecoaching FB www.facebook.com/deannamarielifecoaching Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/517901159229061
Dec 8, 2022
18 min
11: When Your Body Fails You & My Prolapse Story
 Bodies have problems. Bodies have pain. Things happen that we didn't want to deal with. Physical pain is inevitable. Emotional pain is inevitable. BUT... we are always making things worse than they have to be. This episode is all about dealing with physical problems in a way that allows us to minimize unnecessary emotional pain. I help you break down your problem into 3 categories so you have a clear picture of what is really going on and the ways you are making it worse. What you are experiencing is really hard, but it doesn't have to be as hard as you are making it. Schedule a free appointment with me if you want help with your specific situation: https://schedulewithshauna.as.me/Freecall
Nov 9, 2022
21 min
10: Body Image And Clothes with Crissy Taylor
We talk about body image when a parent is constantly dieting, when a spouse is viewing porn, when our bodies change because of pregnancy, and when our bodies change because we are women and our bodies are constantly changing. Crissy Taylor is one of those women that changes your life without even trying. On today's episode she shares her struggles with her own body, how she works on loving herself, and how she helps other women feel better about themselves through her clothing boutique!   I apologize for the parts of the audio that are harder to hear. Please listen anyways... I promise it's worth it. Thank you for listening. Now go join the Facebook group! WEBSITE: www.ShopBellaLunaBoutique.com OUR VIP GROUP: Bella Luna Boutique VIP | Facebook SHOP ADDRESS: Bella Luna Boutique, 307 SW G Street, GP Oregon 97526 (I ship anywhere in the US)
Nov 2, 2022
25 min
9: Life Changes & Creating A New Self-Image
This episode is all about big life changes and how to handle the emotions and create a new self-image to support the new changes! We talk about supporting your nervus system with several different tools, and supporting your mind to help you process emotions properly! Love you babes! Here are some great links: Intro to EFT Tapping with Brad Yates (I love all of his tapping videos)  https://youtu.be/JiD72cZ5mcU Back To Basics Meditation for Beginners  https://youtu.be/IzV6J4WCwRM
Oct 5, 2022
14 min
8: Self Image: Personality (the sneaky one)
This episode is all about PERSONALITY!!  Most experts agree that while the foundation of your personality is your biology, your experiences and environment are key to the development of your personality from that point forward… in other words… you are not born with a set personality. The most simple definition I've found is this… Your personality is just consistent attitudes and behaviors… or the way you show up in any situation. There are lots of aspects of our personalities that seem automatic or innate and less of a choice that we are making, but that’s only because we are not aware of our consistent thought patterns. Many of the things we would call personality traits are actually just trauma responses and coping mechanisms that we’ve developed throughout our life. I can help you create new consistent attitudes and behaviors to create more of what you want in your life! Here is the link for the free call with me! https://schedulewithshauna.as.me/Freecall Love you babes!
Sep 28, 2022
11 min
7: Self-Image: Appearance (the most obvious one)
When you look in the mirror what does your brain say to you? What sentences run through your mind when you see yourself naked? Your appearance is the most obvious part of your self-image and impacts the way you show up. If you will really look at the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself you will see the areas you are really mean to yourself, and the areas you are doing pretty good! Would you say to your friends the things you say to yourself? Would you stop being friends with someone because of the shape of her body? You are a GODDESS and you deserve better! In this episode you'll learn how to recognize the thoughts, where they are coming from, and how to shift them.  You are amazing and you deserve to be your own hype girl! 
Aug 3, 2022
10 min
6: Self-Image: ABILITIES (the most important one)
The thoughts you have about your abilities make up the biggest and sneakiest portion of your self-image... and your self-image creates most of your problems, so... pay attention!  The way you think about yourself and the things that you can and can't do creates your experience day to day! This episode will help show you all the sneaky ways you are sabotaging yourself! Schedule a free discovery call: https://schedulewithshauna.as.me/Freecall Love you babes! You're doing better than you think!
Jul 27, 2022
12 min
5: Self-Image and what YOURS is doing to you
Your self-image is the root of all your problems... so here's what it is and how to understand what's happening!  Self-Image: Thoughts and beliefs about your abilities, appearance and personality. Your brain is sneaky and is always trying to help you be more acceptable to yourself and others, but this quickly creates a very negative self-image.  If you want help diving into your self-image and the problems it's causing go to this link and sign up for a free call with me! https://schedulewithshauna.as.me/Freecall You've got this babe! If you find my podcast helpful please subscribe and share so that more people can find me! xo Shauna
Jul 21, 2022
11 min
4: People-Pleasing and Mom Guilt with Rachael Miller
Being a mom is hard, especially when you try to control things you can't control, and heap guilt and judgment on yourself.
Jul 13, 2022
43 min
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