We will never be the same Podcast

We will never be the same

Zandile Mathe (MBPsS)(AssocISCP)
We are not fairy's roaming around with fairy dust to make everything okay when our world's fall apart, and that is ok. We are humans, trying to survive the disaster that has become the year 2020. Brought to you by Zandile Mathe (MBPsS)(AssocISCP), this 4 part easy to relate to, and honest podcast series explores the difficulty with coping during the Covid pandemic, and how ( through practical thinking, feeling and behaviour adjustment and coping techniques) we can use the chaos we are facing as an opportunity to survive, find a new rhythm and flourish.
The Sum of our Thoughts and Feels
This episode is a follow up of " It is what it is" and unpacks the relationship between our thoughts and our emotions, and how this relationship affects our behaviour. It introduces a simple formula for managing your thoughts, which when applied...
Apr 28, 2020
11 min
It is what it is - The beginning of the end, of the old
This episode introduces the concept of dealing with change in the time of Covid be it retrenchment, a salary cut, loss, or the feeling of being displaced.It quite simply unpacks why most of us are struggling to come to terms with the changes in our...
Apr 22, 2020
11 min