Warp World Podcast
Warp World Podcast
Episode 84: Doug
1 hour 29 minutes Posted Feb 25, 2019 at 6:00 am.
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Show notes
Farewell Reggie! Bowser has taken over Nintendo of America. We will miss you!
Activision, ArenaNet, and EA Melbourne are all having major layoffs. Is this a sign of things to come?
Fortnite is suing a Fortnight Festival for throwing a crappy event and using their name and images.
We have an early Hot Take on TwitchCon and our excitement.
Pokemon Crowd Control is finally here! Try it for yourself.
A Salty Moment about folding phones, how expensive they are, and how weird they are.
Then we end with some Side Quest-ions.
WE NOW HAVE A PATREON! Check it out at https://www.patreon.com/WarpWorld
Check out coins.warp.world for a salty treat!
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