In this episode I don't go over many of the talking points from the 2024 debate. Rather, I express the underlying purpose of having a single individual represent a nation as well as include RFK Jr. in the debate discussion because it seems that both Trump and Biden worked to keep RFK Jr. off the debate stage (which is deceptive and undemocratic). I also touch upon the notions that voting is either essential for everyone to do, or that voting is a waste of your energy and feeds a p...
Jun 30, 2024
20 min

Were there Egyptian style mummies in Arkansas? Did Ohio once be home to ancient Israelite tribes before Christ? Did they set up trade routes between the Silk Road in the old world and a North American network from cross continental commerce?Just wait and listen to this revelatory twist on American history. From the incredible work of Wayne May and Edwin G. Goble, we have the book This Land: Zarahemla and the Nephite Nation, which dives into all of this and more. ...
Jun 28, 2024
37 min

The title sounds dramatic or conspiratorial, but in fact I think it's more casual than that. This 3 letter organization who took over the archeological dig at Gobekli Tepe isn't evil (per se)... just the perception of power in its lust-full expression. Following up from Jimmy Corsetti's work that discovered who took over the most awe inspiring archeological site to date, I highlight some context around the timing of it's takeover by an elite organization and the strange deviation...
Jun 18, 2024
28 min

The statistical difference between a child's future with and without a father will make your jaw drop. In this episode, I speak about the new understanding of a father's role on children. These principles of fatherhood surpass the tradition role of having a child as a man, and extend into how we father in the community.
May 27, 2024
31 min

If you understand classical design in story structure you will understand truths about the world and yourself that often get drowned out by the tedium of spiritual paths. There is a distilled lesson inside the arc plot, the rules inside the genre and world of your creation that hold deep psychological lessons that Carl Jung himself would be astonished by. Listen to this whole episode, not as a lesson in writing story but as a lesson in self-discovery.
Apr 19, 2024
31 min

This brief solocast highlights just how auspicious this eclipse is and why for ages, eclipses have been valuable times for divination and social transformation.
Apr 5, 2024
11 min

I explore Gabor Mate, Peter Attia and the Rebel Wisdom podcast to explore the dangers of Workaholism, over-protective children and how social media helps us pair bond with the state and adopt the Game Theory "Zero Sum" behavior. As usual, I keep it balanced between the problem and the solution.
Mar 28, 2024
36 min

What do Bitcoin, CBDC’s , World Economic Forum, Rumble, Youtube, and global crises all have in common? They all have your data and funnel people into the same cybernetic future. In this Solocast I tip my hat to Alison McDowell’s work. Find her at WrenchintheGears.com and on Youtube for more information. This video explores the depths of how the very same conspiracy from the World Economic Forum ends up in the proposed solutions we are offered like Bitcoin as an alterna...
Feb 8, 2024
26 min

How many genders are there? Is gender a real thing? What's the difference between sex and gender? We dive into Alice Dreger's work who highlights the core questions in the Transgender debate. She does a great job showing that Biology does in fact have an Intersex category that shows up in 1.7% of the population (the same amount as those with red hair) and this may be the biological core of the dumbed down and highly politicized Transgender debate. I don't pretend...
Feb 7, 2024
45 min

Ever heard of Ginko Bioworks? If not, I'll dive into them and their mission. I have no deep problem with this company but wish to highlight their goals and fit it into a larger context with a little humor. You are the most powerful technology. Don't ever forget that.Watch Exclusive Content!https://www.benjosephstewart.com/plans-pricingJoin Our Kickass Discord Community! https://discord.gg/7QadgxEK4zCheck Out Latest Documentaries - “Awake In The Darknes...
Jan 24, 2024
13 min
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