VMUG Collective Podcast Podcast
VMUG Collective Podcast
VMware User Group
S1E4: Professional Development - Debra Zabloudil (Mindfulness, Pt. 2) - episode of VMUG Collective Podcast podcast

S1E4: Professional Development - Debra Zabloudil (Mindfulness, Pt. 2)

26 minutes Posted May 27, 2019 at 3:00 pm.
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Season 1, Episode 4: In the final episode of the Professional Development season of the VMUG Collective Podcast, Debra Zabloudil takes us through what emotional intelligence is and a mindfulness exercise. But be careful: Make sure to pull over in your car before you follow along. Please let us know on Twitter @MyVMUG if you have any suggestions of what to cover in future seasons!