Village Park Podcast Podcast

Village Park Podcast

Robby Pollard
The Village Park Podcast features sermons from our church service and livestream.
Defining the Win
In the first week of our new series, Robby and Jonathan discuss the importance of defining the win for our church.
Oct 4, 2020
Be Hopeful
At the end of this life of service, there is a day when we will stand before God and give an account. We will be rewarded for what we have done for Christ. And that reward doesn’t fade away. Peter gives instruction to the church that until that day of eternal hope and glory comes, we are here but we can be hopeful.
Sep 20, 2020
Elders Who Lead Well
A shepherd feeds his flock. A shepherd protects his flock. A shepherd oversees his flock. All of these responsibilities are vital for the sheep and a commitment for the shepherd. Peter explains the responsibility of an Elder, from God, to be over the church, to lead the church.
Sep 20, 2020
Facing Your Fiery Trial
Are you facing a trial in your life today? Today I want you to understand the truth behind trials in your life. If you’re not facing a trial today, don’t worry, there will be one in your life someday. Most of us just hope to survive our trials; but Peter tells us we can thrive, even in our most difficult trials.
Sep 13, 2020
A Life That Pleases God
No one knows for certain when his or her life will end. But there are a few certainties in your life. You were born, and the end will come. What you do in between is what counts. Peter encourages us to live a life that pleases God.
Sep 6, 2020
When Hope Seems Lost
Throughout this letter to the believers facing persecution in the Roman empire, Peter has sounded the drum of the reality of suffering, difficulty and challenges. The reality of suffering has been a consistent theme, but so has this call from Peter: hope in Jesus.
Aug 30, 2020
A Life of Blessing
Every child of God is called to be a blessing to others, especially within the context of the body of Christ. A life of blessing is a life of like-minded unity that recognizes God uses different people with different gifts and abilities to compose a harmonious melody of His love and grace.
Aug 23, 2020
Building a Godly Home
Men and women are different. With all of these differences, how can you have harmony in the home? Even more importantly, why should we have harmony in the home? Peter lays out instruction to help us build a Godly home.
Aug 16, 2020
Responding to Injustices
We live in a world of injustices. As long as the world is filled with and run by broken people, there will be brokenness. There will be hurts. We’ve all been treated unjustly at one point in our lives. Peter provides us with answers on how we should respond to these injustices.
Aug 9, 2020
Authentic and Effective
Everything in Peter’s letter has pointed to this truth: you are to live with hope in the midst of a culture of hopelessness, you are to live holy lives in an unholy culture, you are to love others in the midst of a culture of selfishness, and you are to be a different and chosen generation. Peter calls us to authentic and effective lives.
Aug 2, 2020
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