Veg Club
Veg Club
Plant Based Vegan Food, Health and Sustainable Living
The Dairy & Egg Industry with Activist Erin Janus @erinjanus_
45 minutes Posted Feb 16, 2019 at 7:03 pm.
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Today’s conversation is with Erin Janus. Erin is an activist, producing videos that are helping people to see the truth behind the closed doors of the animal farming industry. Her video ‘Dairy is Scary’ has been seen by over 5 million people on YouTube and is now on billboards across Canada and the US.

She shares her journey to veganism and what inspired her to create content, the realities of the dairy and egg industry, including why ‘small’, ‘organic’, ‘ethical’ and ‘family owned’ farms are not what they seem, and how we can shift towards a better future.

You can find Erin’s videos by simply typing ‘dairy is scary’ into YouTube and her instagram is @erinjanus_. You can find me and the veg club community on Instagram at @vegclub.