Vanity Care Podcast

Vanity Care

Sean Miller
Vanity Care is guiding your way along the path through self-care and expanding the knowledge about how to groom and take pride in one's self appearance. Also, this podcast is showing how you can practice self-love by just staying clean with a few simple daily steps. Knowing how to tend to your basic hygienic needs is a great skill set to have, and whoever said vanity was wrong never knew just how great it could feel.
Perfume & Cologne & Toilette, Oh My!
Let's dive into the very confusing world of fragrance. I will discuss all there is to know about every kind of fragrance, so you go out knowing how to find the perfect one for you. I will also explain how to properly apply fragrances as well as showing you how to differentiate between them all. And of course, reviewing all the best brands to buy for yourself.
May 4, 2020
58 min
What's The Hype About Skin Types?
Before knowing the ins and outs of skincare you need to start with the basics. The basics being all things about skin types.  Knowing your skin type is very important and can give you the upper hand on maintaining your beautiful skin. Because not knowing your skin type is not knowing how to properly take care of your skin. In this episode, I will talk about all you need to know about skin types and how to use the knowledge of knowing your skin type to give your skin everything it needs.
Apr 21, 2020
51 min
Choosing Between Body Wash or Bar Soap
Let's break down the very opinionated topic of Body Wash vs Bar Soap. I will talk about the benefits of both and why they are good to use in their way. Each is both very good for your skin but it's all about preference and the specific things you want for your skin. I hope I will give you insight into what benefits correlate best with your needs and reveal all the facts from opinions.
Apr 15, 2020
52 min
The Luxuries of Lotion
This episode is all about lotion, and all the benefits it has. Lotion is so important for your skin and helps keep it hydrated and healthy. I will talk about all the great things lotion can be used for and why this is one of my favorite self-care steps. I will also talk about great lotion products to buy and use for yourself to get your skin looking smooth and feeling soft.
Apr 6, 2020
1 hr 5 min
Ready, Set... Routines!
An episode to explain the importance of skin, hair, shower routines and more. And how having a routine can be very beneficial in your life. I'll talk about the routines that I use daily and how I've engineered it to specifically work for me. I will give the general basics to starting a routine of your own that will work just for you.
Mar 30, 2020
1 hr 11 min
Vanity Care Trailer
Vanity Care trailer
Mar 30, 2020
1 min
Vanity Care (Trailer)
Mar 29, 2020
51 sec