UrNeighborhoodDNP Podcast


Here we discuss all things healthcare. The plan is to discuss healthcare issues in ways that anyone can understand. Information provided in this podcast is for educational purposes only and not meant to replace medical advice provided to you by a member of your healthcare team
Who me? I need a PCP?
Urneighborhood DNP: Welcome back to your weekly neighborhood watch meeting!! I am your host Eboni D, UrNeighborhood DNP! Here we discuss all things healthcare with the #1 plan being to put things in a way that anyone can understand! Thank you for joining me for Season 1 Episode 8 Have you ever wanted to know what a primary care provider is or what they do? Then you don’t want to miss this episode. Follow us on the below platforms IG: UrNeighborhoodDNP FB: UrNeighborhoodDNP For questions you want answers for or topics you may want to hear about. please send an email to: [email protected] ALL QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED ANONYMOUSLY UNLESS PERMISSION IS PROVIDED.
Jan 22, 2023
20 min
Poverty and Patient “Compliance”
Urneighborhood DNP: Welcome back to your weekly neighborhood watch meeting!! I am your host Eboni D, UrNeighborhood DNP! Here we discuss all things healthcare with the #1 plan being to put things in a way that anyone can understand! Thank you for joining me for Season 1 Episode 7 January is national poverty month, January is national poverty awareness month, so on today’s episode I wanted to discuss different facts about poverty rates and how they directly affect health outcomes. Are you in need of resources to help manage your healthcare? Check out the links below Medication coverage-goodrx.com Neighborhood Navigator-https://navigator.aafp.org/ Directions for Neighborhood navigator Place your zip code in and select which service you need support with 1. Food 2. Housing 3. Work 4. Financial support 5. health care (in home support, medication coverage, equipment coverage etc) 6. Education 7. Legal Support 8. ETC Are you a healthcare provider looking for ways to assess your patients social determinants of health or assess how you can help support them? Click the link below https://www.aafp.org/dam/AAFP/documents/patient_care/everyone_project/hops19-physician-form-sdoh.pdf Follow us on the below platforms  IG: UrNeighborhoodDNP FB: UrNeighborhoodDNP For questions you want answers for please send an email to: [email protected] ALL QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED ANONYMOUSLY UNLESS PERMISSION IS PROVIDED.
Jan 15, 2023
31 min
Blood donation facts and myths
Urneighborhood DNP: Welcome back to your weekly neighborhood watch meeting!! I am your host Eboni D, UrNeighborhood DNP! Here we discuss all things healthcare with the #1 plan being to put things in a way that anyone can understand! Thank you for joining me for Season 1 Episode 6 January is national blood donor’s month, so on today’s episode I wanted to discuss different facts about blood donation and dispel some of the myths that surround blood donation and transfusions. For more information on blood donation, please click the links below Http://www.aabb.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/donors-and-patients/aabb-blood-essential-medicine-poster.pdf?sfvrsn=b1c0ba68_4 https://www.bloodcenter.org/donate/spread-the-word/national-blood-donor-month/ https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-types.html Follow us on the below platforms  IG: UrNeighborhoodDNP FB: UrNeighborhoodDNP For questions you want answers for please send an email to: [email protected] ALL QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED ANONYMOUSLY UNLESS PERMISSION IS PROVIDED.
Jan 9, 2023
28 min
Holiday and Seasonal Blues
Although the holidays are meant to be filled with joy and cheer, not everyone is thrilled about them. This episode talks about signs of grief in ourselves and our loved ones that we may not notice especially during the holiday season, at time where we missed our loved ones the most.
Dec 11, 2022
30 min
Ham, Yams and Flu? Oh My!
Welcome this week’s Neighborhood watch meeting! This episode we will review some precautions that those of us living with chronic conditions should take during the holiday season. If you would like to submit questions or topics for the UrNeighborhoodDNP podcast please use the following ways Email: [email protected] DM on IG and Facebook @UrNeighborhoodDNP Please note that all questions will be answered anonymously! Thank you!
Dec 4, 2022
20 min
So what’s a NP anyway?
Welcome back to your weekly neighborhood watch meeting! Have you ever been confused about what a nurse practitioner is and what they can do? Well this episode clears that up for you! Also, in honor of epilepsy awareness month, we also discuss what epilepsy is and how to safely help someone experiencing a seizure (symptom of epilepsy). For more information on epilepsy please visit www.epilepsy.com and cdc.gov/epilepsy. We want to hear from you! If you would like to submit questions or topics for the UrNeighborhoodDNP podcast please use the following ways Email: [email protected] DM on IG and Facebook @UrNeighborhoodDNP Please note that all questions will be answered anonymously! Thank you!
Nov 27, 2022
27 min
Who can I run to?
Welcome back to your weekly neighborhood watch meeting! In today’s episode we review tips on escalating healthcare concerns. In honor of diabetes awareness month, we also discuss risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes and small changes we can make to refuse our risk. PLEASE note that the weekly exercise recommendation is 150minutes per week=30minutes x 5 times a week (not day as mistakenly stated in the audio). For more information on Type 2 Diabetes please visit www.Diabetes.org and cdc.gov/diabetes We want to hear from you! If you would like to submit questions or topics for the UrNeighborhoodDNP podcast please use the following ways Email: [email protected] DM on IG and Facebook @UrNeighborhoodDNP Please note that all questions will be answered anonymously! Thank you!
Nov 13, 2022
33 min
Welcome to the Neighborhood!
This is the first episode #1 of UrNeighborhoodDNP! This episode is just a quick review of what we hope to accomplish with this podcast: talking about all things healthcare in a way that most people can understand. This episode reviews your right as a patient for further details please visit https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/ethics/patient-rights#:~:text=To%20courtesy%2C%20respect%2C%20dignity%2C,and%20costs%20of%20forgoing%20treatment.  This podcast is meant for educational purposes only and SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PLACE OF PRESCRIBED MEDICAL ADVICE AND RECOMMENDATION.  Follow us on the below platforms  IG: UrNeighborhoodDNP FB: UrNeighborhoodDNP For questions you want answers for please send an email to: [email protected] ALL QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED ANONYMOUSLY UNLESS PERMISSION IS PROVIDED.
Nov 6, 2022
25 min