Upgraded Life Radio Podcast

Upgraded Life Radio

Aaron Mayfield
Biohacking, yoga, spirituality, health and fitness.
Reverend John Genjin Becvar
In this podcast discussion, Reverend John Genjin Becvar - a novice Soto Zen Priest, gives us insight into his spiritual path and journey. We dive into topics such as dealing with anxiety, drug/alcohol addiction, meditation practices, mindfulness and increasing confidence! 
Jun 24, 2021
1 hr 6 min
Tantric Science and Consciousness with Dr. Phil Nuernberger
Dr. Phil Nuernberger, a PhD in psychology, is a pioneer and innovator in bringing self-mastery disciplines to educate executives in holistic health. He was among the first to establish a successful biofeedback clinic. Dr. Phil has been teaching meditation since 1972. 
Aug 5, 2020
58 min