Unprepared Podcast
Alex Essman and Mason McAnnally
Ep. 8- Our listeners prepared this episode - episode of Unprepared podcast

Ep. 8- Our listeners prepared this episode

1 hour 1 minutes Posted Oct 2, 2020 at 12:43 am.
-3:58 Mason addresses the Golden Retriever community 
-9:26 Would we attend a cockfight?
-12:30 Our fast food picks
-15:15 Why is three-putting worse than kissing your sister (S/O to our incestuous audience members)
-19:16 What's the best way to stay motivated through boring/difficult classes?
-24:45 If we swapped lives, what would we do differently? 
-30:50 Favorite/least favorite aspects of each other
-41:49 Our greatest influencers 
-45:45 The importance of community
-end Idiom ("Bite the bullet) and Paradox (Quantum Entanglement)
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