Show notes
We are excited to invite you to treasure God's creation on Earth Day and every single day, whether we are attending large meetings or tending to small daily habits. United Women in Faith has a long history of caring for creation, preserving as sacred our places, serving as God’s stewards on Earth.
In light of Earth Day and the upcoming General Conference, we encourage you to join our amazing and informative discussion with Rev. Kristina Sinks, a provisional Deacon in the California-Nevada Conference of The United Methodist Church serving at GreenFaith, Rev. Dallas Conyers, a youth organizer with the Amanecer Project, and Pat Watkins, a former missionary working for the UMC General Board of Global Ministries as our first “Missionary for the Care of God’s Creation.”
We will face the imminent Earth Day challenge of reducing plastic pollution. Other topics may include:
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Faith Talks is hosted by Jennifer R. Farmer.
Visit for more podcasts and webinars from United Women in Faith.
In light of Earth Day and the upcoming General Conference, we encourage you to join our amazing and informative discussion with Rev. Kristina Sinks, a provisional Deacon in the California-Nevada Conference of The United Methodist Church serving at GreenFaith, Rev. Dallas Conyers, a youth organizer with the Amanecer Project, and Pat Watkins, a former missionary working for the UMC General Board of Global Ministries as our first “Missionary for the Care of God’s Creation.”
We will face the imminent Earth Day challenge of reducing plastic pollution. Other topics may include:
- The spiritual significance of environmental stewardship and Earth Day;
- Practical tips for reducing plastic usage in our daily lives;
- Initiatives within the United Methodist family and faith-based communities to promote sustainable practices;
- Our collective work towards economic justice and a healthy planet which upholds our faith values
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Faith Talks is hosted by Jennifer R. Farmer.
Visit for more podcasts and webinars from United Women in Faith.