Dellarobia Turnbow hikes up the mountain behind her house to meet her lover and comes upon a huge group of roosting Monarch butterflies which takes her breath away and she exclaims, "Jesus, God!"You can find David G. Markham's pamphlet, Critical Reading of Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver, a Unitarian Universalist's perspective by clicking here.
Aug 26, 2020
9 min

This is episode one introducing the series.
Aug 24, 2020
5 min

This 5 minute commentary is part of The Spiritual Life series which can be found on www.uuawayoflife.org
May 14, 2020
5 min

This was taped at a Corpus Christi Gospel Choir practice on 09/08/1991. I, David Markham, was a member of this choir which was directed by George Banks. I don't remember who the other choir members were or the soloists but they are very talented people. Corpus Christi church was in Rochester, NY. The congregation moved to what is now Spiritus Christi when the church members were excommunicated. This is the first of a number of tracks which was recorded simply on an old fashion "boom box" tape recorder in vogue at the time.This is my kind of church music.
Apr 24, 2020
5 min

This was taped at a Corpus Christi Gospel Choir practice on 09/08/1991. I, David Markham, was a member of this choir which was directed by George Banks. I don't remember who the other choir members were or the soloists but they are very talented people. Corpus Christi church was in Rochester, NY. The congregation moved to what is now Spiritus Christi when the church members were excommunicated. This is the first of a number of tracks which was recorded simply on an old fashion "boom box" tape recorder in vogue at the time.
Apr 23, 2020
2 min

This is the week in review at UU A Way Of Life for the week preceeding 04/19/20.
Apr 19, 2020
6 min

The podcast explores the meaning of the Introduction in A Course In Miracles as reviewed in the first four days of the Daily Reflections on UUAWOL.org
Nov 29, 2019
7 min
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