120: The Usual Caveats Apply
1 hour 31 minutes Posted Jan 3, 2017 at 6:44 pm.
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Show notes

It's our SECOND ANNUAL (hey, that's totally a big deal!) GAME OF THE YEAR EPISODE!!! We are using all CAPS in case you can't tell how excited we are. Because we're excited!

2016 may not have been a good year for politics, but it was a pretty decent year for mobile games, as it turns out. So on this episode we celebrate the many games that we loved and cherished. We’ve got categories like prettiest, most innovative, most addictive, weirdest, and many more!

Unlike last year, the winners aren’t listed in the show notes below, so you’ll have to listen to find out who won everything, including our ultimate game of the year and our individual picks for best game of 2016. There’s some arguing and lots of hemming and hawing, but we feel great about our winners and we hope you will too.

Please rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter (and follow Jessica and Anna too), like us on Facebook, buy our merch, and email us if you think there’s a great game from 2016 that we missed!

Stuff we mentioned: