Episode 12! Billy and Layna wrap up season one! We know the details, but how do we have these spiritual conversations? We thank you for listening to season one! We hope you look forward to season two coming soon![UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 20, 2020
19 min
Following our discussion about evil in the world. How do we know that God is good? Billy and Layna continue the conversation about the goodness of God. We trust and believe in a good God.[UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 20, 2020
17 min
Episode 10! Elayna and Billy continue the discussion with a pretty tough question. Why would, why does, a good God, allow such evil and suffering in this world? Shouldn't God just stop it all? All this and more, in this episode of the [UN]apologetic podcast![UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 19, 2020
19 min
Heaven? Hell? Do they exist? We have so many questions about what happens after we die. Elayna and Billy continue the conversation during season one.[UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 19, 2020
20 min
If the resurrection never happened, we might as well quit our jobs and go home. Our hope is because of what Christ did on the cross and the resurrection that came afterwards. Elayna and Billy discuss in episode 8 the importance of the resurrection and the evidence that points towards it. [UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 19, 2020
18 min
How is Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism different? Don't they all point to the same God? Why does it matter? Elayna and Billy continue the conversation today. Christ is the way and the truth and nobody comes to Father except through Christ.[UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 18, 2020
18 min
Due to the Coronavirus, we have decided to push our release schedule up so that you have more to listen to while you are bored at home. In this episode, Layna and Billy continue the discussion. Have you ever asked yourself, does God really exist? How do we know? Is there any evidence? Billy breaks down tons of evidence for God![UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 18, 2020
20 min
How do we trust the Bible? Does it hold up with the historical evidence? What about all those manuscripts? All these questions and more as Elayna and Billy continue the discussion about apologetics and where our hope comes from![UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 18, 2020
18 min
Elayna continues the conversation with Billy Burch in episode 4! What are our 3 deepest needs as humans and what does Scripture say about them? Talking about our faith isn't easy but understanding our needs really helps![UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA.For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 17, 2020
19 min
Elayna and Billy continue the conversation about how Christ speaks into our culture. We live in a post-modern world. What is the post-modern world and if it's called post-modern, what was modern in the first place?[UN]apologetic is a podcast from Christ Community Church in West Chester, PA. For more information check out unapologetic.visitccc.com!
Mar 16, 2020
19 min
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