Two Ewes Fiber Adventures Podcast

Two Ewes Fiber Adventures

Kelly and Marsha
Who are we and why are we podcasting? We are Kelly and Marsha.  We came at yarn and fiber from different directions, but we both love it. Marsha is an accomplished knitter, learning to dye yarn.  Kelly is a spinner who knits and weaves.  Fiber is one of the many interests we share after over 30 years of friendship.
AI Has a Fundamental Misunderstanding of Yarn Crafts
Our Winter Weave-Along is in full swing. We have lots to discuss about our weaving projects. The knitting projects are moving along, too. Plus, we talk about Kelly’s super fun yard “sale” with everything free.   Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android. Marsha’s Projects Graphito: by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). About to start ribbing at the cuff of the first sleeve. Ames Beanie: Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. I was about to start the decreases when I noticed I had crossed one of the cables the wrong way. I need to rip back. Socks: Using Regia 4-fadig by Arne & Carlos in colorway 03760. Finished first sock. Finished gusset and knitting foot of the second sock. Morgan’s Pinwheels & Checks: I got the warp on the loom and am about to start weaving. Weaving Studio: It’s a work in progress.  Kelly’s Projects I’ve started weaving on the fifth warp for the trailer curtains. I finished the Zaney Viney self-patterning socks. I’ve already worn them twice!  Charity hat number five is on the needles right now. I still have most of a skein of bright pink acrylic to use up. Wool cone stash/Chenille rug and blanket sampling 2025 Challenge for January and AI pictures 2025 Challenge Thread: Are you creating any challenges for yourself for 2025? If so you can share them here.  Winter Weave Along Going until March 31. Show us your projects in the Ravelry thread. If you aren’t on Ravelry consider joining just so you can talk with us about your weaving!
Jan 29
1 hr 12 min
Dreaming of Chenille Rugs
It’s another recovery episode! Marsha is back from Palm Springs, Christmas is put away, and Kelly has big news about the trailer curtains. Plus, dreams of new weaving projects. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android. Marsha’s Projects Graphito: by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). I’ve finished the body and am about to pick up stitches for the first sleeve. Ames Beanie: Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. I was about to start the decreases when I noticed I had crossed one of the cables the wrong way. I need to rip back. Socks: Using Regia 4-fadig by Arne & Carlos in colorway 03760. Finished first sock. About to start the heel flap of the second sock. Morgan’s Pinwheels & Checks: I wound my warp!  Weaving Studio: It’s a work in progress.  Kelly’s Projects The fourth curtain fabric warp has been finished and I’m tying on the warp for what I hope is the last curtain fabric warp. The only other project is self-patterning socks. Zaney Viney colorway.  Looms available:  Two 4 harness looms--one in Salinas and one in Aptos. Contact us if you are interested and we'll put you in touch with the sellers. Price will probablly be highly negotiable. Motivated sellers! 2025 Challenge Thread: Are you creating any challenges for yourself for 2025? If so you can share them here.  Winter Weave Along Going until March 31. Show us your projects in the Ravelry thread. If you aren’t on Ravelry consider joining just so you can talk with us about your weaving!
Jan 13
1 hr 7 min
Throw a Rock in the Jar
The Two Ewes send best wishes for the happiest of holidays to all our listeners. Join us in our last episode of 2024 as we discuss projects, our Winter Weave Along, and a way to think about making space for creativity.  Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android. Looms available:  Loom #1: Terry in Salinas has a loom that needs a home. It comes from Berkeley, has all its pieces, and is in really good condition.  I'll have more information soon and she says it would definitely be a good deal! Loom #2: There is a LeClerc in Aptos that needs a home. It looks like it’s a counterbalance rather than a jack loom. 36” weaving width. Asking price $400, but I think it would be negotiable.  Anyone in the area interested in either of these looms (pick up only-no shipping), please get in touch via Ravelry, Instagram or email ([email protected]).  Marsha’s Projects Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. Finished! Graphito: by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). I’ve knit about 8” of the body. Ames Beanie: Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. I was about to start the decreases when I noticed I had crossed one of the cables the wrong way. I need to rip back. Socks: Using Regia 4-fadig by Arne & Carlos in colorway 03760. Finished first sock. Knit about 3” of a second sock. Weaving Studio: I got the warping board back from Kim and everyday plan to wind the warp for four tea towels. Still haven’t wound a warp. It has been so long that Kim has borrowed the warping board and raddle a second time! Kelly’s Projects The woven squares blanket is finished and on the sun room sofa livening up the sad beige couch. I still haven’t washed it but I decided against the crochet edging.  Charity hats using leftover acrylic from Faye's flower blanket. Fleece prep: Continued a little more carding of the sticky 2018 CVM. And I have a whole box of California Red picked and ready for the carder at some point.  The curtain fabric is on the loom and there is both warp and weft and it’s more than just the header and the hem.  Winter Weave Along Going until March 31. Show us your projects in the Ravelry thread. If you aren’t on Ravelry consider joining just so you can talk with us about your weaving! Challenge: Between now and January 1 do a kind of weaving that you haven’t done before. Possibilities: New to you weave structure, different form of loom, make something you never thought of making before, e.g. decorative braids or shoe laces, use a fiber you haven’t used before, use a wet finishing method you haven’t used before. End 2024 with a new weaving skill. 
Dec 24, 2024
59 min
We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. We recap our holiday with stories of cooking turkeys and cranberry sauce. Plus, updates on projects and a challenge for our Winter Weave Along. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android. Marsha’s Projects Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. I finished the body but still need to knit wattle and comb. I’ve been making “rope” with French Knitter and about halfway done. Plan to make a hat and chalk bag. Found tiny carabiners online. Graphito: by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). I finished the yoke and divided for the sleeves. I’ve knit about an inch of the body but I’m going to wash and block the yoke to be sure it fits and the patterning looks good. Ames Beanie: Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. I was about to start the decreases when I noticed I had crossed one of the cables the wrong way. I need to rip back. Socks: Using Regia 4-fadig by Arne & Carlos in colorway 03760. Finished first sock. Weaving Studio: I got the warping board back from Kim and everyday plan to wind the warp for four tea towels. Too much Thanksgiving preparation so I didn’t get anything done. Maybe today?? Kelly’s Projects The woven squares blanket is almost finished! All the squares are sewn together and I just have a few more ends to weave in. Debating a crochet border edging.  Suint Bath Shetland Project  is finished. The two skeins are almost identical. The one that was spun greasy is slightly finer. I think it is easier for a default yarn to be spun thinner when spinning in the grease. But it puffs up when washed and I don’t think the skeins are any more different than any two handspun skeins. They could easily be used together in the same project with no problem.  Fleece prep: Dyeing and carding the 2018 CVM. I’ve been putting batches in the crockpot with random dyeing while I do other things out in the yard. I’ve also been carding intermittently and have quite a few batts through their first round.   Got down to the back ribbing on the Maple Vest. I won’t have enough yarn. Trying to decide what to do. Pattern repeat on the ribbing gives me limited choices for shortening.  Winter Weave Along Going until March 31. Show us your projects in the Ravelry thread. If you aren’t on Ravelry consider joining just so you can talk with us about your weaving! Challenge: Between now and January 1 do a kind of weaving that you haven’t done before. Possibilities: New to you weave structure, different form of loom, make something you never thought of making before, e.g. decorative braids or shoe laces, use a fiber you haven’t used before, use a wet finishing method you haven’t used before. End 2024 with a new weaving skill. 
Dec 8, 2024
50 min
Blah, Blah, Blah...Trailer Curtains
Join us as we discuss our plans for the Winter Weave A-long and, of course, lots of project updates. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android. Marsha’s Projects Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. Decided to make a rock climbing chicken for Ben. Found tiny carabiners online. Sockhead Slouch Hat: by Kelly McClure. Using Done Roving Yarns Frolicking Feet in colorway Irish Moss. Hibernating. Graphito: by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). I finished the yoke and divided for the sleeves. I’ve knit about an inch of the body but I’m going to wash and block the yoke to be sure it fits and the patterning looks good. Ames Beanie: Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. I was about to start the decreases when I noticed I had crossed one of the cables the wrong way. I need to rip back. Socks: The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Finished first sock and about halfway through leg of second sock. Weaving Studio: I organized the closet and put all of Ben’s stuff in there. I’d like him to take it, but all in good time. Kelly’s Projects Finished the front on the Maple Vest. Need to wind yarn to start on the back. The ribbing pattern is fun and I love using my wooden cable needle. The fabric is heavy and a little silky. I’ve got my woven squares blanket to square (14 x 14) and I have only six more rows to sew on. It’s been a little over a year since I started this project.  Plans for more chickens because my community needs some emotional support right now The first two went to our Mi Casa Undocuscholar Center and our Pride Center.  Stalled on Graphito by Heidemarie Kaiser while I’ve been working on the vest and the spinning and fleece prep.  Suint Bath Shetland Project: Finished carding both batches and now spinning them. Washed fiber is spun. Starting on the unwashed fiber and it is still quite greasy. I'll wind each bobbin into a center pull ball and ply each of them to compare the results. Winter Weave Along Going until March 31. Show us your projects in the Ravelry thread. If you aren’t on Ravelry consider joining just so you can talk with us about your weaving! Challenge: Between now and January 1 do a kind of weaving that you haven’t done before. Possibilities: New to you weave structure, different forms of loom, make something you never thought of making before, e.g. decorative braids or shoe laces, use a fiber you haven’t used before, use a wet finishing method you haven’t used before. End 2024 with a new weaving skill.   
Nov 21, 2024
56 min
We're Back in Action!
Technical difficulties in the last episode meant we lost half of the audio. We’re back and announce the winners of the Summer Spin In and discuss project updates. Marsha shares details about her trip to upstate New York and the New York State Sheep and Wool Show. Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android Marsha’s Projects Auckland Bound: by Maddie Mo. Finished. Used Alaskan Yarn Company DK in colorway Spruce. Auckland Bound: by Maddie Mo. Finished. Used Hazel Knits Cadence DK in colorway Wonderland Trail. Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. Decided to make a rock climbing chicken for Ben. Found tiny carabiners online. Sockhead Slouch Hat: by Kelly McClure. Using Done Roving Yarns Frolicking Feet in colorway Irish Moss. Hibernating. Why Knot?: by Rachel Illsey. Using Weird Sisters Wool Emporium Carroll in colorway Westport Treasures. This project is on hold. I cast on and ripped out twice as the unusual stitch patterns made me completely confused. Hibernating. Graphito: by Heidemarie Kaizer. Using Purls Before Swine Robusta in colorways Good Jeans (blue) and Toxic (pink). Cast on just before I left for New York. Got stuck on the brioche. Too much drinking and talking. Now that I’m home I’m back on track. Ames Beanie: Stephanie Larson. Using Purls Before Swine Hometown Worsted in colorway Seaglass. Kelly’s Projects Finished Desert Lavender socks out of Smirligan’s yarn. I’m thinking about starting a new pair for watching the election coverage. Purl2W2 Coconut Tree.  I’ve split off the sleeves and finished the body of Graphito by Heidemarie Kaiser. I still have to try it on before I decide to start the bottom ribbing or knit it a little longer. The yarns are Seismic Yarns Butter Silk as the contrast yarn and Invictus Yarns Seraphic as the main yarn–both fingering weight.  I started the Maple Vest to have something to knit in the car for the reunion trip. Interesting pattern. I joined under the arms and then split again after about two inches. I’m all the way down to the ribbing on the front panel. Had to rip back a couple of rows this morning because I made a mistake on the cable crosses in one of the pattern repeats.  Winter Weave Along Nov 3, 2024 - March 31, 2025 Join in with your weaving! Share on our Ravelry group! Marsha's New York Trip October 9-22, 2023 New York and the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival Cornwall Yarn Shop The Endless Skein Storm King Art Center Springwood (FDR house) Culinary Institute of America The Dia Beacon Shady Glen Lyndhurst House Sunnyside (Washington Irving House) Manitoga (Russel Wright House) Staatsburg House Vanderbilt Estate Walkway Over the Hudson Val-Kill Cottage (Eleanor Roosevelt Home)  
Nov 4, 2024
1 hr 21 min
Technical Difficulties with Knitting Content
Just the chat today. We had some technical difficulties with the knitting part of the show. We'll try to troubleshoot once Marsha returns from Rhinebeck. If you like the chat, welcome! If you're here for the knitting, we'll see you in episode 235. 
Oct 12, 2024
20 min
A Dog With Two Legs
We have lots of discussion topics this week ranging from Kelly’s dogs now having two legs, the fleece auction, to Marsha’s cast on frenzy.  Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android Marsha’s Projects Alexandria: The Art of Yarn Skein: Finished! 50/25/25 merino/silk/bamboo. 4oz and 454 yards. Socks: The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Finished! Socks: Regia Design Line by Arne & Carlos in colorway Garden. Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. Knit through the third stripe. Not sure I like the colors I picked. Sockhead Slouch Hat: by Kelly McClure. Using Done Roving Yarns Frolicking Feet in colorway Irish Moss. Auckland Bound: by Maddie Mo. Using Alaskan Yarn Company DK in colorway Spruce. Why Knot?: by Rachel Illsey. Using Weird Sisters Wool Emporium Carroll in colorway Westport Treasures.  Kelly’s Projects I’ve split off the sleeves and am knitting down the body of Graphito by Heidemarie Kaiser. Calling it my NoCKRs Sweater since both yarns are the retreat yarns (2023 and 2024). Seismic Yarns Butter Silk and Invictus Yarns Seraphic–both fingering weight.  Still working on Desert Lavender socks out of Smirligan’s yarn. Soft green, purple and natural white variegated yarn. One sock is finished and I’m knitting slowly down the leg of the second sock. Wool Auction  Bought only one fleece! Was joined by Emily and Sonia from work and Micheline from the Bay Area. Also saw Alene that we met at the NoCKRs retreat. Between us we supported a lot of wool growers! I bought a Romeldale, 5.5 lbs. (white) Summer Spin In Announce winners in next episode Two Ewes in Walla Walla, Washington September 26-30 Purl 2 Walla Walla has closed but they will have a pop up shop in partnership with Old Homestead Alpacas at the: Maker Market Showroom on Colville 70 N. Colville Street, Suite 105 Walla Walla, WA  99362  September 28, 12:00pm-6:00pm September 29, 12:00pm-4:00pm, We’ll be there around noon on Sunday.  
Sep 14, 2024
46 min
Projects Past Present and Future
The Two Ewes report on their finished projects, new projects, and future projects. Plus, just a few more days of our Summer Spin In.  Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android Marsha’s Projects Poppy Tee: by Jo Cottle. Finished! Used Rowan Purelife Revive in the colorway Loam. Picked up in the NoCKRs 2024 destash room.  Socks: The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Finished first sock and about halfway through leg of second sock. Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. About to start the second stripe. Pinot Noir Purchase Targhee: I’ve been spinning the giant (2.2 pound) ball of Targhee roving I bought from an attendee at last fall’s Fort Worden Knitting Retreat. I have dyed four batches of fiber at 4 oz each. A little disappointed that the Spruce and Turquoise, and the burgundy and Hot Fuchsia look the same. May take a break and spin something smaller to get my mojo back.  Kelly’s Projects New Sweater! Started knitting Graphito by Heidemarie Kaiser. Calling it my NoCKRs Sweater since both yarns are the retreat yarns (2023 and 2024). Seismic Yarns Butter Silk and Invictus Yarns Seraphic–both fingering weight.  Using my new election season project bag from Good Stuff Crafts, Brenda. Check out her store. Still working on Desert Lavender socks out of Smirligan’s yarn. Soft green, purple and natural white variegated yarn. One sock is finished and I’m on the second sock. Top down on birch double pointed needles, size 0. Finished a 3-ply skein of BFL: School House Rock colorway from Greenwood Fiberworks Started carding the washed Shetland for my Shetland Suint experiment. I have only about a good day’s worth of work to get this carding project finished. I hope to finish the carding before September. I started with about 4 ounces each of washed and unwashed fiber from a suint bath process.  Pattern Spotlight Maple Vest Bifurca Vest Why Knot Tee Summer Spin In Started Memorial Day - Ends on Labor Day May 27 - September 2 Two Ewes in Walla Walla, Washington September 26-30 Purl 2 Walla Walla has closed but there will be a pop up shop the weekend we are there. No details but I’m on their newsletter list and will be notified.  Wool Auction September 2 Monterey County Fairgrounds  
Aug 25, 2024
56 min
Remember, This is A Knitting Podcast
We have lots of discussion about dogs and house projects, and yes, knitting and spinning. Our Summer Spin-In is underway for a few more weeks.  Full notes with photos and links can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android Marsha’s Projects Socks: The Artful Ewe Clackamas. Finished first sock and about halfway through leg of second sock. Emotional Support Chicken: by Annette Corsino. I’ve knitted a bit on my chicken. About to start the second stripe. Poppy Tee: by Jo Cottle. Using Rowan Purelife Revive in the colorway Loam. Picked up in the NoCKRs 2024 destash room. I’ve knit about 10” of 13” total for the body. Pinot Noir Purchase Targhee: I’ve been spinning the giant (2.2 pound) ball of Targhee roving I bought from an attendee at last fall’s Fort Worden Knitting Retreat. Last episode I talked about how the fiber made me sneeze. I removed the outer layer of roving and started spinning again with no sneezing. Kelly suggested I dye some of the roving so I’ve dyed 4 oz each burgundy and green. The roving is very thin and delicate. I wound the roving on the knitty noddy and tied it in six places. I tied the roving more tightly than I would for yarn, but I wanted to be sure the weight of the water didn’t felt or pull the roving apart. I plan to dye more colors.   Kelly’s Projects Finished: 13.8 ounces of Jazzman (CVM x Merino x Columbia) 3-py.  Use all the Spinning Tools Challenge: Wyatt Norwegian wheel is now spinning a Greenwood Fiber BFL braid. School House Rock colorway. It will be a three-ply fractal that I plan to use for socks.  Also started: Desert Lavender socks out of Smirligan’s yarn. Soft green, purple and natural white variegated yarn. Pattern Spotlight Rachel Illsley colorwork sweater patterns. Summer Spin In Started Memorial Day - Ends on Labor Day May 27 - September 2 Two Ewes in Walla Walla, Washington September 26-30 Purl 2 Walla Walla has closed so we will not have a meet up there. ☹️ Wool Auction September 2 Monterey County Fairgrounds  
Aug 15, 2024
58 min
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